Bruh I was hoping that Jaehong would find out about the look-alike crush that Eunsung had and absolutely flip, like idk isn't that a big reason Eunsung started liking him..? Also I kinda don't know why Eunsung likes Jaehong, Jaehong likes Eunsung because he is nice and cares for him etc. but idk abt Eunsung.
AND LIKE FUCKING FINALLY THEY FUCKED (although we just got crumbs since it's a shounen ai) but still it was so quick and kinda don't know how it happened so easily..? Like idk Jaehong ain't even %100 sure he likes guys but just did it without batting a eye and all of a sudden he went from “Idk if I like guys maybe I should go date this cute girl etc.” to “let’s fuck” like- CNSNCZMCMKSS Also Eunsung was rightfully mad but he just suddenly calmed tf down after eating some noodles and never brought the girl and Jaehong’s stupidity up again. I see why he wouldn't before the CSAT since it's important for Jaehong but he didn't even after the CSAT.
The last part about Eunsung’s mom got me so confused maybe it was addressed before or will be addressed so idk I’ll see. All the problems and plot developing for this shit... smh.
The long-haired dude in the Mokha duo is so damn annoying and egotistical. Can't wait to see someone beating the shit out of him.