can yall even find it on lezhin bc ive searched for all the listed titles + the author name and it isn’t on there. like ok
did you go on the website & turn on the r rated button? it’s not available on the app.
you’re translating this really well i think!!! good job!!! if there’s anything at all to complain about then i think you could use a different font for thoughts that aren’t in speech bubbles (where i believe you’re using manga temple?), it doesn’t really fit the ’tone’ if that makes sense. i think you could just use the same as you do in the normal speech bubbles :] or use one that’s very similar. many font families also have variations like narrow and rounded (so e.g. acumin comes in regular, condensed, extra condensed, wide) if you want to differentiate between speech and thought ^^
I didn’t go into this expecting to read anything but shoujo so don’t come for me for being a tinhat lesbian, but as the story went on it really seemed like it was progressing to be a gl with Ibelin worrying so much about Latte and seeming to prioritize her over the men. At the very least I was hoping to have a nice story about female friendship! The sidekick character ending up with her favourite lover boy and fighting with the protagonist seemed so obvious that I didn’t think they’d actually go for it, but alas........ Glad people in the comments are happy with this but I haven’t been this disappointed in a series in a very long time.
i usually don’t care for obsessive type stories or sthlm syndrome or so because they tend to just be edgy for the sake of edge, but i really like how slowly this kept creeping up on the readers despite the blood thing being in the very first chapter. lulled us all into this semi false sense of security and i respect that.
this obviously isn’t healthy at all but i still can’t bring myself to hate it? it’s all just super interesting and it’s clear that both sungwoo and leo care for each other even though external and internal forces are messing things up for them. super interesting. cant wait to see where this goes.
i’d get kissing the housekeeper bc woojin is sleepy but are you telling me that he blew and fucked a guy without realizing it wasn’t a dream?? all bc he just woke up???? that’s a stretch and a half lmao....... but im rolling with it anyways and also kangsol is sexy as hell