Alright, so yesterday I was talking to my older guy friend (let's just call him) Jimmy Brown. And we were just talking about Call Of Duty and how he was gonna teach me how to be better at it. And it was fun and yada yada... before he said 'You can come over and I could teach you'. And he wasn't being possessive about it or anything but I just felt... uncomfortable? Because yes we were friends but we weren't that close, and I had only met him through my sisters, and he had previously called me cute and stated that he would date me if I were older (our age difference is 3-4 years). I had told him 'Sorry If my mom knew I had gone over an older boy's house she would kill me', and he then said 'that's why you don't tell her, tell her you're going the park'. And of course, after I said 'I'm too much of a GG to do that kind of stuff, sorry' he quickly dismissed it. But later at about 3 am or so I looked back at the situation and a thought went through my head, and I thought about what if I did it, and I just left? And it as weird because I thought about me leaving and then going to his house and then him convincing me to stay for a while... and then him suddenly making me stay, and me accepting. And then I thought about if I never left and my mom going crazy and sending an amber alert out, and then if I saw it and thought, 'I don't care'. And this sort of scenario started to play out on my head:
I had stayed at Jimmy Brown's house for weeks and the police had been searching for me. Even though I was in the exact area that they were in I had stayed inside Jimmy's house, being careful not to be found. Of course, my sister's had called in asked since Jimmy Brown was out a lot from time to time, but he said he hadn't seen me.
After about a week or two of me being there, Jimmy Brown had started to get neglective and a bit abusive, suddenly not letting me leave his room. But I was too caught up in the fact that 'I'm too far in this, he's all I got right now, nobody at home would accept me back if they had known I had done this' that I didn't really realize it at the time. He wouldn't feed me a lot and I could only come out if I needed to go to the bathroom. I couldn't take showers cause Jimmy said the thought of me naked might make him want to 'attack' me, and so I didn't, and it sucked. But I understood because I didn't want him to do that to me. And so we went on like that.
After a while or so Jimmy started to then get touchy, sliding his hand up my shirt and kissing on me. I couldn't do anything because I just felt... weak, and helpless to Jimmy. He then had sex with me, and after that, he did it multiple times. Of Course, after a while, I had eventually gotten pregnant, and Jimmy made me keep the baby.
So there I was, dirty, hungry, weak, and pregnant. I remember feeling so ruined, I even remember thinking 'so this is it, there is no redemption after this, no continuing school, no going to college, no being an engineer, nothing. I'm nothing anymore, no one.'
And at the time school had started back up again so Jimmy Brown had left from time to time. Sometimes I would come out and eat something, but if he found out he would hit me and yell, so it was rare that I did.
After living in complete solitude for a long time, I had gotten depressed. After a while, I even had the baby, surprisingly the baby and I had even survived (no idea how, but remember this is all in my head). And I remember the baby being so...beautiful. Like, I had never seen a baby that was so captivating even if it was in my mind. I had of course fallen in love with it and Jimmy Brown did too. For a moment I was even happy.
The baby had been about a month old and it was already so beautiful. Like it had my hazel eyes and Jimmy Brown's loose curly hair, with light brown skin and full eyebrows, and the perfect nose, too, not too pointy yet not too round. I was truly happy. And Jimmy Brown even let me come out while he was at school. I felt like a housewife, staying to care for the child as her father went to go to work.
But then one day when I was watching Tv, I saw that my whole family was on it with a news reporter, and they were talking about me. I was confused so I listened closer and I saw that they had made a tiny memorial for me by the park. And when I saw that in the TV I suddenly felt that rush of depression surge through me, and I felt like I was the lowest of the low, and I truly, truly was. And I just wanted to die.
So then a thought ran through my head, and I remembered that if I wanted to end it, Jimmy had some pills that if you mixed with other things, it would kill you (Again, this was all in my head so Jimmy had those pills for plot armour, and IRL Jimmy Brown does do drugs soo). I had thought about it, but I didn't want to leave my baby. And then I had thought about leaving, but I didn't want to go to my mother and explain all that had happened. And if I did lie and say that Jimmy kidnapped me and if he did go to jail. What would it matter? In how many years he would get out again and possibly track me and our baby down. So I dismissed the idea.
Day after day I started to get more and more depressed and I started to feel more and more worthless.
So one day, after Jimmy Brown had gone to school, I proceeded to do a plan I had thought of.
I went to Jimmy's drawer to get the drugs. And then I went to the living room where our baby was, in her baby swing. I went to the dining room and took a pencil and paper and wrote a note to the police talking about what happened, and to tell my friends and family I'm sorry and that I'm such a disappointment and that I'm so SO stupid. And then the rest of the letter was written for my child. After I had written the letter, I had called the police, telling them that I was the missing person and that I was at the address XXX XXX XXX, the police said that they'd be there in 15 minutes, and some other stuff like 'stay put' and yeah. And I said 'perfect' and hung up. Tossing the phone aside, I went over to my baby who was fast asleep and gave her a kiss on the head and then took the drugs.
Thus ending my life.
That was all I thought of before I eventually tired myself to sleep.
I don't answer Jimmy Brown's texts anymore, I creeped myself out too much ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
P.S. Was I wrong to feel this way or to think of this? I dunno, comment and tell me.
Also, Wtf is wrong with me?
If the guy didn’t seem all too bothered by the rejection, then you’re overthinking it. Of course if he did get upset or try to pressure you into it, that could be interpreted as one of the signs of psychopathy and the plot you pictured would’ve been possible if you’d agreed to leaving without asking for your parents’ consent.
All in all, you did the right thing!
It’s an impressive skill, to be honest. When I imagine things, I can only put together small fragments so the scenario doesn’t even end up making sense. However, you (judging by the long description) are able to visualize things in great detail. Do you, by any chance, like drawing or writing? I assume it would be something you’re gifted in lol
So it's like 3am and I need to get something off my chest.
So like earlier today I posted on my SC story one of those stupid 'say hey if you care about me' type of things knowing that I'd just get the same people saying it if not a few more new people. But the thing that kind of got me was that there was this dude (let's just call him Jason Funderburger) that I'd known since kinder garden and he had said 'hey'. And it got me because through out the time that i had known Jason Funderburger I had just been an emotional, weird, embarrassing person (until recently when I started becoming more of a quiet kid). But also through out my child hood except for early kinder garden when we were friends, I had thought that Jason Funderburger hated me, so I had steer clear of him, and when I started 7th grade and I had like 2 classes with jason Funderburger we kind of talked but we never had a real conversation and he was always talking to my friends and everyone else, except for me... And so I assumed 'this guy really does not like me, but I can't blame him, I'm a boring, embarrassing, weirdo'. But then one day when I'm walking home from the park with my brother I see a car stop and he jumps out of it. I think that maybe he's going to walk home so I keep walking, keeping a normal pace so I don't actually seem like I was avoiding him ( I was). But then I stop when I hear 'Rao (I'm just gonna use my Mangago name), you better slow down and wait up for me (it was said in a playful manner)', and so I stopped and turned to him and waited for him to catch up as my brother went ahead with his friends.
So we were walking back to my house talking about how we need to get my friend (let's call her Bitch because I don't like her atm) over here so we can all hang out at the park, (more like them talking while I just chill, ya know, pick at the grass being a quiet kid). And I just nod and say 'yeah...'. And so we walk quietly to my house and I'm trying to stay calm because I'm panicking hoping I don't look ugly or I don't smell bad or there isn't something on my face because I don't want Jason Funderburger to look at me any more badly than he does ( or at least how I think he does), and so out of the blue he says 'I hope your mom doesn't hate me' and I laugh a little because in Fifth grade my brother left his football out and Jason Funderburger picked it up and my mom saw and thought he was stealing it so she started to cuss him out. I say 'yeah, haha' and then he goes on and says 'also because I assume your mom hates fags' and I laugh again because Jason Funderburger is bi but I'm sure he's more on the gay side. But I object, saying 'no, she would only hate a fag if it was her son' (my mom worked hard and had four girls just to have a boy, she's not homophobic because my sister is lesbian and she is 100% supportive about it). He laughs and says okay and suddenly we're at my house. I wave good bye awkwardly and he says bye and walks off. I then run inside and finally take a good breath of air, recalling everything about that walk JUST to make sure I did nothing wrong.|
Anyways, the rest of the year we just go on how we usually do, never really talking. Nothing really changes. And I would be okay with it if I didn't know him as long as I did. And I wouldn't have felt so bad if Bitch didn't become his best friend as quick as she did. Jason Funderburger and bitch were really close, and it made me sad, but I never knew how to vocalize it at the time. Because even though throughout my childhood I knew Jason Funderburger hated me, I still tried a lot to be his friend, but nOPE, and suddenly bitch comes in the picture in 6th grade and BOOM, besties they were. But I'm getting off topic, what I've been meaning to say is, all through my life I always thought, 'he hates me' and 'Why can't I just be as social as the people who can openly talk to him', or 'what's wrong with me?'. And I always though-knew even- that this person didn't care about me, but to suddenly see him tell me he cares? I'm constantly telling myself, 'this has to be a lie', and stuff like how he must be fucking with me or ...maybe he does actually care? But it's just really confusing seeing all the signs that he's been giving, it's like he's fucking with me or something? I don't know, and part of me is saying that it was all in my mind and he never actually hated me and the other part is saying that he's fucking me over and he never cared. But even to learn that of he did really care and he never hated me or thought bad of me, it wouldn't really change anything because every time i'm around Jason Funderburger my mind suddenly goes into this mode where I'm making sure nothing is wrong with me and i suddenly tense up and I'm like having a mini panic attack just setting by him, and I could try, but I don't think I could ever get out of that.
I don't know,maybe it's in my head, maybe it's not...maybe...
*DISCLAIMER* My life doesn't revolve around Jason Funderburger or this problem, I do have a life, and I'm just venting about this problem
Also if anyone has anything to say about this, go ahead. Tell me what you think.
(also sorry of there are any typos, remember, it's 3 am)
i so fkn understand you because im shy ,i cant keep a conversation , and if i knew somelne in the past then we meet again i would most likely pretend i dont know them , nit because i hate them or smth but because it just makes me embarassed and shy.
Anyways , i feel like jason burgerking (is that it) just wqnts to be really close friends with you but since u dont talk much when hes around and ure shy he thinks that yiu dont like him and dont wanna be friends again. It happens to me that people think my shyness is a way to reject them
So on May 20th, my cat had 4 kittens, and ever since birth we've had them. And, over that time I've fallen completely in love with these kittens and I just love them SOOOO much (a little too much lol), but sometime this week, we have to give them away... And no one had asked for them yet and I was happy cause I got to have them for a longer time. But earlier today my sister messaged me saying that my cousin's friend was interested, and she wanted pictures of them. So I sent pictures and she told me that our cousin's friend wanted the oldest one. And I suddenly felt this pang in my heart, and it hurt a lot. And I didn't know what I was feeling so I just spammed stuff about his personality and how he is and literally everything about this kitten. But throughout it, I started crying... a lot... But is it wrong to feel this way? But over the time I've had these kittens, I've bonded with them and I just became so committed to caring for them and it hurts to know that I have to give them away. I even laid down by their mother and cried to her, and then I thought about how confused she's gonna be when she can't find her babies anywhere. But then one day, she'll just.... forget about them... And I know that would be for the best but just thinking about how she'll wake up one day and will she even remember having kittens? It just... makes me really depressed...
Sorry if there's a grammar mistake, I'm sad ┗( T﹏T )┛
Just know that that kitten will be okay, and it’s okay if ur feeling sad n depressed cuz u basically helped raised it. And since it was part of ur life, you love it as if it were ur own child. And having to give ur own child away, hurts like a bitch....rn, think positive for that kitten and just know that the mother will only lose 1 instead of all 4 at the same time.
i once fostered two guinea pigs named cuddles and marley and i adored them. i had them for quite some time, (about a year) and i bonded so much with them. i learned they hated the dark (they would squeal without a nightlight) and they hated being apart. they liked being outside and eating dewy grass. eventually i had to give them back. after all, they weren't mine. i only had them because their family couldn't take care of them. when the day came, i couldn't stop crying. they were smelly and cleaning their cage was the worst. but i loved them. i refused to eat for awhile. i didn't want to give them back. it had been ingrained in my mind they belonged to me. i was the one who had taken care of them. i'd had them for most of their lives. i found out they died shortly after i returned them, because they were also sad they had to leave me. this was years ago (i think its been 6 years!!!) and i still get choked up thinking about them. so, yeah, it's gonna be hard to get rid of your kitties. my cousin owned 10 dogs (6 puppies she raised from birth) and she got rid of 8 of them. she tried to give them to people who would let her visit. even now she talks about how she wishes she could keep them. animals are living creatures, they'll miss you as much as you them. it will be hard, but cherish the time you spend with them and hold on to those memories ╥﹏╥