Someone on tiktok pointed out that Jaekyung placed Dan’s gift inside his pocket until Dan started talking about his “Feelings”. Im someone who looks into every detail so I cannot believe that I missed that. I immediately went back and reread the chapter and first things first, Dan’s gift was the first gift that he opened on his birthday and maybe the only gift that he actually opened. 2nd, Jaekyung was mocking Dan about his gift, telling Dan that he's been getting on his nerves and that he didn’t ask for Dan to buy him something and that he doesn’t care about the gratitude, basically being a mean jerk BUT that was normal Jaekyung, he stood up and was suppose to leave and he’s actually in a better mood at this part. It was not shown but this is the part where he sneaked Dan’s gift inside his robe’s pocket. He was going to leave casually Buuuuuuut Dan was feeling brave and told Jaekyung that he just wanted to show his “Honest feelings” and that’s where Jaekyung snapped cuz obviously, he is a mean jerk bully who feels repulsed at the thought of someone getting lovey dovey with him, so 3rd, while clarifying Dan’s feelings, it’s shown that he’s reaching something inside his pocket and maybe when he saw Dan’s expression, he started getting defensive by acting extra extra mean and extra extra like a jerk and extra extra extra like an asshole and threw Dan’s gift at the wall, and the reason he was able to do that, it’s cuz he took Dan’s gift and placed it inside his Pocket