All of us feel really annoyed by Li Chengxiu being such a pushover and letting Shao Qun walk all over him, but I think that Li is a really strong character. Even though this is also a typical scum gong, wife chasing novel , I think this is actually one of the far more self aware and well written ones
It's actually a true insight into how powerless someone with no money is when subjected to the desires of the rich and powerful. Shao qun can get away with anything he does including abusing and forcing Li to be with him
Li has no money and no family to even stand on 2 feet and oppose Shao Qun or take revenge against him. All he can do is run away and try to live his life quietly. My hurt really breaks for him, he has such a tragic past but he is still able to go on living, and once he decided he no longer wanted Shao Qun he is firm on it. His kindness and perseverance makes him strong to me
Even in the ending of the novel, I don't feel that Li chengxiu really loves Shao Qun. He chooses him simply because he knows that he has no other choice and Shao Qun baby traps him.
It is a bleak but fitting ending. Shao Qun knows that now he loves Li way more than Li will ever love him. Li Chengxiu is still cautious of Shao Qun. There's an incident in the extras where Li is sent a photo of Shao Qun apparently cheating on him(he is not really), but Lj simply deletes the photo, as he never trusted Shao Qun again. When Shao Qun finds out that Li did not care and still doesn't trust him after almost 2 years, the devastation he feels is satisfying. He knows that it will be a long amd arduous journey to get Li to treat him like before, and he knows this situation is one of his own making. The Li chengxiu that wholeheartedly loved him is no more
Perhaps one day Li will grow to love Shao Qun once again, but I do like that the novel acknowledges that as of the end, Li does not love him back and does not trust him so easily.
Also it's a widely known fact that Shao Qun is the most scum of 188 boy group, it's a long running joke