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Aero July 23, 2021 8:07 pm

I hate it, for me I’m asian, and family constantly compliment you for getting paler than last summer, but criticize you if you became “tanner” or “darker”. It’s a big problem in the asian community, and I was wondering if it happens to the black community too.

    i<3milfs July 23, 2021 8:18 pm

    i’m asian too nd it sucks. people around me r talking ab whitening products or even shaming people by saying “you’re pretty but too bad you’re dark.” nd it rlly annoys me since why would u even compliment the person in the first place. plus our whole country normalize colorism by producing and endorsing white products nd they endorse that by shaming brown skin ppl. nd when it comes to tv shows, when the actor needs to have brown skin or black skin for valid reasons they would require an artists w white skin nd cover them w brown foundation all over their body.

    Sup... ( ° ʖ °) July 23, 2021 8:21 pm

    I'm not black but also asian, as a kid I heard a lot of jokes about my darker skin from my family, well maternal family mostly and probably all the time. And I guess that's the reason that I got really anti social lol I just hate colorism, I mean darker skin is better in my opinion...

    Sup... ( ° ʖ °) July 23, 2021 8:24 pm
    I'm not black but also asian, as a kid I heard a lot of jokes about my darker skin from my family, well maternal family mostly and probably all the time. And I guess that's the reason that I got really anti soc... Sup... ( ° ʖ °)

    And I probably take jokes way too seriously, thus the reason that I have no friends

    i<3milfs July 23, 2021 8:27 pm
    And I probably take jokes way too seriously, thus the reason that I have no friends Sup... ( ° ʖ °)

    if the joke offended u then it’s not a joke. the reason that u don’t have any friends is that people you’ve met until now, maybe they’re not meant for u. you’ll encounter many good people in the future so don’t lose hope. plus if they don’t want u to be their friend, then it’s their loss not yours.

    Sup... ( ° ʖ °) July 23, 2021 8:31 pm
    if the joke offended u then it’s not a joke. the reason that u don’t have any friends is that people you’ve met until now, maybe they’re not meant for u. you’ll encounter many good people in the futur... i<3milfs

    oh shucks thanks <33 they probably don't like me since I feel like we're already close when I just met them days ago xD

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Do you hate china? 07-23 20:03

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