i love this character archetype the best. they're hilarious.
edit: i fuck around with the list's hierarchy every once in a while like this is the mii plaza
Yo holdup. You’re telling me after all this time he was still a c-rank??? How tf does that make sense.
Is he incapable of forming a complex thought? This is getting a bit ridiculous considering he’s the same guy who supposedly had a high-ranking as a knight. Unless that was solely because of his family.
I know there’s a lot of gore in this manhwa but up until Yeoreum’s story was revealed and all the cannibal scenes I wasn’t really that intimidated by the themes. Oh how I wish I can cleanse my brain with holy water after that season ending
Usually this would be when I declare red flag ML Asha run, but Asha’s going along with everything so smoothly I don’t even know if he should run away lmfao.
Shit it’s beginning to sound like a murder chase. RUN DOC DAN
I hate when authors can’t make villains that have brain or even just common sense. Nobody would seriously act like this unless they’ve got -100 social cues???
-most of the stories i add has a good female cast, since i avoid reading stories with weak, stupid, trashy female cast
- smart and op mc
(not listed with most favorite to least favorite, it's just random)
Wait I’m so confused. So does this mean shirone is the headmaster’s kid???? I’m making up so many possible hypothesis for this plausibility but it makes so much sense (in my head)
These guys are insufferable separately but smh makes their dynamic adorable at the same time. I would’ve been annoyed by the bottom if he had a less psychotic top and vice versa. It’s like they’re smh likable BECAUSE they’re such shitty individual characters lmao.
I get what everyone in the comments are saying, and I agree the MC was (mostly) in the right, but ya’ll seriously can’t be saying you wouldn’t also get upset by his tone if you were in their position lmao. I would be pissed off by someone constantly acting condescending, getting angry, and berating/ using the harshest descriptors of me possible even if he was in the right.