Is he incapable of forming a complex thought? This is getting a bit ridiculous considering he’s the same guy who supposedly had a high-ranking as a knight. Unless that was solely because of his family.

Physical strength and strategic battle sense is different from emotional intelligence. He's skilled with everything outside of his damn emotions.
He's bright enough to do extensive research and make a detailed petition but when it comes to his own heart he's like a baby.
Maybe because kiel been by his side so naturally throughout his whole life even while exiled. He never really thought deeply about their relationship saw it as normal...

I hate when authors can’t make villains that have brain or even just common sense. Nobody would seriously act like this unless they’ve got -100 social cues???

I dropped lady baby because it was taking forever for her to grow up. Like when tf will she grow and and be a proper adult? I bet she's still in her early teenage years right now. Sheesh..i just found out yesterday that this is the same author of lady baby. I hope she grows up soon..Luatisha i mean.
Yo holdup. You’re telling me after all this time he was still a c-rank??? How tf does that make sense.