Nathaniel created a topic of Omega Bus Stop

It says "to be continued" and not "Next stop is X"

Im guessing eun noah will get pregnant and have a child and raise it on his own and meet sunbae at some point.

I do wonder about the details of the story because nothing is explained. All we see is horrible things happening rapid fire without the actual explanation of why its happening.

Like why is sunbae treating him like this?
When/Why did he change?
What was in the contract that eun noah agreed to?
- im assuming better living conditions? payment?
Also why sunbae chose eun noah? Was it something to do with his features? Is it because they were friendly and he decided to ask? Did he choose him from the beginning and manipulated him into this?
Also whats sunbaes obligation to his sister in law??

Nathaniel created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

so fucking sad, and its gonna get even worse...

Nathaniel created a topic of King's Maker

"The story of three gays that overthrow the king" is a random thought i just got, lmao

Nathaniel created a topic of Sora & Haena!

Nooooo my bby sora!!! Dont cry!!! Jaein better make it up to her and not be a dick for once!

Nathaniel add 1 photos to shiiiiiiiiit AOT

beautiful panel

Nathaniel add 1 photos to shiiiiiiiiit AOT

Bruh armin is so smart

Nathaniel add 1 photos to shiiiiiiiiit AOT

look at this after 139

Nathaniel created a topic of Banana Scandal

The next couple of chapters are going to be a treat!

Nathaniel created a topic of Banana Scandal

Bruh i cant even buy the raw chapter even if i wanted to, I hope someone shares the raws soon