Nathaniel created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

There have been no consequences for his actions, he still hasnt apoligised and he still thinks about what he wants...

Like who cares he learned that he shouldnt hurt his friend (which btw he still said isnt his friend anymore just cuz he wanted to stick his dick in him and throw away a friendship over that), he still isnt letting Sanho sleep cuz he wants to fuck. The only difference is that instead of straight up sticking his dick in, hes manipulating Sanho into it...

Nathaniel created a topic of Jinx

I bet dan is not gonna be there for him to fuck when he needs for that upcoming fight and JK is gonna blame him for losing (bet hes also gonna fuck up his shoulder)

Unless JK is gonna just rape him again

Nathaniel created a topic of Jinx

Seriously... How dumb are you Kim Dan...

Even the fact that he was trembling when giving the gift, he was literally scared of his reaction... How many hints you need to realise hes abusing u...

Nathaniel created a topic of Koisuru Boukun

Honestly i feel sad for Mori. I imagine deep down he still had some hope to make his parents understand and that they genuinely wanted to reconnect, just to be faced with his parents cruelty and selfishness again...

Other than that Souichi-san was sweet this chapter.

Nathaniel created a topic of Jinx

Asking consent?? Out of nowhere???

Bruh what prompted the change?? People dont change just cuz?

Id understand if he was drunk but apparently hes pretending?? What the hell is the thing that suddenly made him ask for consent if he isnt drunk?

Nathaniel created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

We know Sanho wanted to be in a relationship, wanted to have someone to date. He hadnt had his first kiss so he kissed Tak to know if he can do it with his girlfriend (yea thats dumb of him to do) and so far he has been worried about everyone and really caring with his friends as well.

Tak is totally taking advantage of that and using him as a hole cuz HE wants to and clearly doesnt care enough to ask what Sanho wants.

Low and behold, when Sanho drunkedly describes in detail that Tak is hurting him physically and that sex with him is bad (+he doesnt wear a condom), he for some reason listens? Not like he had been telling him that it hurts before or that he doesnt want to before... Why is it now that he listens?

Oh and thats not it. His solution is to have sex but ofc get a condom and be gentler... Okay? That still isn't fixing anything... That is still using Sanho as his fucktoy.. Ofc Sanho allows him like he had been allowing him up to that point (that is not punching or doing anything that would hurt Tak) except he can enjoy it a little bit at least.

But that still doesnt fix the fact that Tak said Sanho isnt his friend anymore just because he wanted to use him as his fucktoy. It still doesnt fix the fact that he never cared what Sanho wants and Sanho out of care for him and not wanting to hurt HIM lets him... It still doesnt fix the fact that it was Sanhos first time and he even cried cuz he wished that he could have done it with someone hes in a relationship with and who he loves as well as being loved back and to care and be cared for after sex, which none of Tak did...

And so far im assuming rn it has been updated to one chaper before last chapter (i assume itd be 16 chaps total for the sidestory, raws have 15 rn). Chap 15 is where they have the gentle and condom sex, Sanho enjoys it (which i hate that it just encourages Tak to use him as his fuck toy as long as he doesnt hurt him), so Im dissapointed that they are just gonna leave it at that probably... unless theres more than 16 chaps...

I hate the fact that the dude who drugged someone not only got away with it but was rewarded..

And the omega had a whole ass trauma because of alphas, but then accepted the alpha who drugged him? Just cuz he punched another alpha who was the same as him? And completely forgot that he got drugged?

Like cmon... Couldn't there at least the omega tell the other omega about the drugging (since that was the prime target)? Couldn't they have actually punished him, not just "awe me feeling bummed about my own actions is enough of a punishment"?

Nathaniel answered question about make a picrew
Nathaniel created a topic of Jinx

*Remembering all the times JJ was mad/angry/yelling*
"i think im in love with him"


Please, i hope so bad something changes, cuz it cant be that they are just gonna endorse dans delulu and JJ behavior...

Nathaniel created a topic of My Suha

Honestly Dohyeok got what he deserved.

the last chapter before the ending it was clear he hadnt learned anything. Rewarding him when he clearly does not listen and still does whatever would have been bad.

This feels like the build up for the second part, because i do agree that parts of it are unfinished. Like I would expect that we would see Dohyeok develop and finally learn and redeem himself. And also because it clearly sets up the trip exactly for a timeskip. So i dont think its the END end.

Nathaniel created a topic of My Suha

Dohyuk is such a whore man

Like, dohyuk, darling, sex is not the solution to everything. Learn to communicate properly....

Nathaniel created a topic of Jinx

Have some self respect..

Joo hasnt even gone through any redemption...

Nathaniel created a topic of Koisuru Boukun

Like i get people not liking how there seems to be no progress, but there is, its just very very little.

And THIS is their relationship dynamic, I dont really expect significant changes in that aspect. Like we'll never see Souichi be super pumped about sex and romance, thats just not happening, but he is slowly accepting Morinaga more and more. As much as he's denying it, he is very aware of it.

And about the progress, with each vol we see a little bit of progress. It might not be the usual pace for romance, but personally im here for the slowburn and for the little progress that for souichi is quite big.

I think another thing is since im aromantic asexual and I already clocked Souichi as aromantic asexual (little to no romantic and sexual attraction), I feel like I see why the progress of the romance isnt the usual one, but it still is quite clear that he cares about Morinaga, that part had been clear since the very beginning.

Nathaniel created a topic of Jinx

WHAT the HELL is wrong with him??

I get being super mad, but yell, bang the door, starting to pour stuff on people is too far!

And why would you pour shit on the person you favour?? Like he hasnt treated his teammates like this, his teammates arent used to that behavior from him. Are we as readers supposed to see this as him liking doc??? BRO this is a behavior of someone who clearly only cares about himself.

But what angers me the most is the dissonance in JOs character. How are you gonna write him as caring and also incredibly uncaring at the same time? And there is no difference in the situations to be able to understand what triggers his care or his anger.

He doesnt seem like a person with a personality. There is NOTHING in him to be able to understand what causes him to act the way he does, why he helped granny, why he decided to pour cola on doc.

All he is is a trope of an abuser, there really is no explanation to his behavior to be able to have any empathy for how hes acting.

Nathaniel created a topic of Jinx

"Im sure mr. joo is suffering even more" ExCUSE ME????????????????????????????

Nathaniel created a topic of Silent Lover



Nathaniel created a topic of Silent Lover

Drink every time the uke:
1) is Beaten
2) is Crippled
3) Becomes terminally ill
4) Becomes blind / deaf / mute
5) Loses memory
6) Dies (or is suddenly brought back to life)
7) is Humiliated (or beyond need humiliates themselves)
8) is Tortured
(feel free to add)

Im reading the novel and im at ch76 and *POSIBLE SPOILER*
Yet again now the season 2 uke (song liqing) has lost his fucking memory, please kill me!!!! (⊙…⊙ )

Nathaniel created a topic of Jinx

Oh god fucking damn it... Why the hell does he keep doing worse and worse shit for no goddamn reason...

Kim Dan needs to get away...

Nathaniel created a topic of Jinx

Kim Dan is literally the puppy they kick, why is nothing improving T-T
And Kim Dan is actually starting to like it?? Like ew, no, and also calls common human decency of cauliflower head "nice"?
How is it satisfying for anyone seeing the abuse just continue and not improve...