Nathaniel's feed

Nathaniel created a topic of Jinx

WHAT the HELL is wrong with him??

I get being super mad, but yell, bang the door, starting to pour stuff on people is too far!

And why would you pour shit on the person you favour?? Like he hasnt treated his teammates like this, his teammates arent used to that behavior from him. Are we as readers supposed to see this as him liking doc??? BRO this is a behavior of someone who clearly only cares about himself.

But what angers me the most is the dissonance in JOs character. How are you gonna write him as caring and also incredibly uncaring at the same time? And there is no difference in the situations to be able to understand what triggers his care or his anger.

He doesnt seem like a person with a personality. There is NOTHING in him to be able to understand what causes him to act the way he does, why he helped granny, why he decided to pour cola on doc.

All he is is a trope of an abuser, there really is no explanation to his behavior to be able to have any empathy for how hes acting.