I really ship Jun hyung and subin. I think hyung deserves to be happy more than anyone cos he didn't ask for subins shit. But hey it anyway and now he went and got miserable. I hope subin will finally get his head out of his ass and finally stop playing with hyung. Hyung don't deserve this. Tbh i honestly hate the other guy so much I can't even. Just go away. Let subin and hyung be happy pls. Pls. Let hyung be happy
Why didn't they go for the tan lines!!!! Sensei whyyyyttyy!!!!!!
Well maybe in the author's next work dear haha
Wouldn't it be amazing if both of them are on the broadcast
it would probably happen accidentally and seeing his popularity, Alex might fish out another mask and bring DG to his broadcast too...haha but who knows we can only dream for now