Dadarkthunder_04 followed a list
Dadarkthunder_04 followed a list

Age Gap 
Older Male x Younger Female 
Adult-Student Relationship
Teacher-Student Relationship

03 09,2024
Dadarkthunder_04 followed a list

A list for the picky Isekai reader! (Updated Regularly)
Nothing below a  9.4 rating, full color, Manhwa only, and compelling stories. 


My List Series based on ratings:
 10 – 9.4: this list
 9.3 – 9.1:
 9.0 and below:

02 04,2024
Dadarkthunder_04 followed a list
Dadarkthunder_04 followed a list

❖ underrated manga/hwa/hua
❖ unique concepts
❖ any genre
❖ some of my favourites

★ - My personal favorites
✓ - my own personal notes on it

Follow for more!
feel free to recommend, would mean a lot

26 09,2022
Dadarkthunder_04 followed a list
09 07,2022
Dadarkthunder_04 followed a list
Dadarkthunder_04 followed a list
06 07,2022
Dadarkthunder_04 followed a list
07 06,2022