plss update or at least somebodyy drop the rawss
You need to pay tho
This is such a disgusting shit and some motherfuckers who read this type of shit really have audacity to call fujoshis gross. Males here are so fucking disgusting profiting from partiarchaty ewww and the fact that drugging young girls at club, raping them also humiliating smart women for job happens to real life too and ppl (usually males) fetishize that and getting off while reading it is sickening.
Everything was cute but wtf why blonde friend constantly asks mc about his cousins boobs thats fucking weird and when dark haired mc thinks blonde mc is in love with cousinn likee what the fuck. Thats uncomfy. If you do something similar to my country u get beaten up, how can u let some guys talk like that about your cousin.
Is that a fucking dick or third leg lmfaoo
ვიხრჩობი :დდდდდდ
aq raginda gogo shen xdddd