Then it's possible that Kirin will be able to stop him from killing more people. And the author has overshadowed a bit where Kang Moo couldn't stand the sadness in Kirin's face as he killed (in dreams I think). He probably stops for Kirin's sake.
If that's what it is, I guess I fully approve this ship now.
I feel for Taku now. But that boy gotta learn. You can't just take from others, you will have to give as well. He's naive in the sense of love that he thinks he can get whatever he wants by filling a gap. He will learn now that to love is to hurt as well, that's always what it is about. I wish the author will portray some kind of a new love for him as well, but not a Haesoo look alike.
Lmao I live for this Kang Moo