“The crime she committed was terrible, horrible really”. How ruthless, she really did leave him out to dry, while cold wet and alone.. im crying
P-2 pov: he utters a word about dressing himself..
True but when you look like a supermodel the way you dress really doesn’t matter bc you’re face actually makes everything look better. See if he was average man, he dresses pretty plainly but I think that dressing plainly in his case is good bc it lets the true gems shine (his face) lol
I feel like he shouldn't lead his mom on about her and normally it wouldn’t be a big deal and I wouldn’t care normally but ur mom is crazy bro.. There is no way he doesn’t know that by now, hes letting so much shit things fall through his hands like please pay attention to the breadcrumbs she’s dropping. Wdym hes letting stuff fall through his hands right in front of him you ask? All of his relationships, he says she’s putting up walls but he let her feel like that she should. So that is exactly what she did and reasonably so, I mean 2nd ml is just allowing shit to happen, always on the sidelines. Why must he continuously wait for things to align for himself, does he act like this bc he still gets breastfed by his mom? Like sorry to break the news to ya bro but in the real world you have real relationships with real people and you’ve gotta do shit to maintain those relationships. It dosent really piss me off when he waltz around like the world is going to kiss his ass and make his bed for him but when he gets mad about other peoples relationships. BITCH WTF??? U HAVE NO RIGHT TO FEEL JEALOUS. THATS RIGHT, IM INVADING UR FEELING RN, UR NOT VALID! You cant get a WORD out to any of the important women in your life (mom/mc) bc you’re afraid. You’re a coward and thats ok but not when it’s hurting people around you.. I hope he grows a pair and actually realizes he has a voice bc I feel like this is going to become more problematic and fast. Anyway a i got a literal ick, like yuck.. literally
When did chapter 8-9 happen? Like where in the timeline does that flashback come from. She doesnt ever wear a red top. Not in the car scene or the first so either were missing chapters or the translation/translation of the transition sucked. Ty for the food but remembering your a perv took 2 chapters and after that she just appeared at the office?? If thats the case and author-nim just wanted to write sum smut they could’ve had a 5 panal flashback, basic dinner then a scene. Like seriously did she just teleport back to work from the car WHERE they were going to get dinner then go home?.. Somethings gone awry
I think something people were confused about is when the step mom was yammering about how her youngest daughter ruined her life/love. People were confused why she wasn’t egging on Arrabella (?) (i dont remember names lmao) so if u look closer you can see she shares the same hair as her mother and eyes as her older brother. Neither the cardinal or the dead step mom has that feature therefore he (cardinal) is not the father
Why are all the pests seemingly migrating into South Korea especially always in the last pannel.. Anyway l, Noona needs to chill b4 my image of her gets ruined ☠