I guess their relationship is toxic due to taesungs secrets and the way he knew man was gonna get beat up but like when it comes to those scenes it’s clearly consensual even if it’s rough u can tell it’s not one sided even tho it looks like he’s being overpowered idk if it’s just me but like it looks like he enjoys it as well I think the art style makes it Seem much more violent or painful but I think he would enjoy it

I feel like shavonne probably has a memory disorder or something or that his memories are completely lost or distorted or they have been changed and maybe shavonne and lewlynn knew each other before and I think lewlyyn does things to try and make shavonne remember like the body or the onions maybe idk

People saying maxi is too weak and it’s annoying for them but like she can’t just suddenly become a strong minded person u need a lot of character development for that and we are barely even beginning the story and it will take a while for that but I understand why people would want to drop it. But like we waited like half a month for a chapter update lol it’s gonna takes years at this rate to see the results we want . plus Riftan
I thought if Wooyeon went to America without junwoo he coukd have had some character development while wooyeon was away like a glo up or something or like basically dealing wit his inner problems himself and that when wooyeon finally got back it woukd be junwoo who has come to terms with his inner demons himself and tried his best to get over them I think that woukd have been cute but this was really good aswell