Luvbinger3's experience ( All 0 )

Luvbinger3's answer ( All 19 )

So i made this one cuz i read the question wrong and based it on my own features still like how it turned out tho Then i made this one cuz i came back and was like oh and im a one piece manic and always pictured my character with features like this if i were in it,,, Anyway.... why did u show me this, making these were so fun i just wanna keep maki......   reply
19 02,2021
Play instruments. Sing. Sing well. Be in a band.   reply
13 02,2021
Im practicing abstinence, not saying i don't anything sexual ever,,,, but when it comes to sex im waiting till marriage.   reply
10 02,2021
I don't even know honestly probably like 50+   reply
18 12,2020
I agree but also semi disagree cuz there was a girl i knew who did that and mainly for attention even tho she hadn't been diagnosed and would always tell others and stuff (not saying u have to be diagnosed to have depression). Plus she would often try to brag about it to me to seem pitiful ig, not knowing that i myself was clinically depressed whic......   1 reply
09 12,2020

Luvbinger3's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did finally came out the closet

Kinda? I mean ion really believe in the concept of coming out cuz it's nobody's business but I do tell people if they ask

1 hours
want to do finally came out the closet

Ish. People are still too homophobic

1 hours
did test your personality type

ISTJ like a rare gem

1 hours