So much shit in just one chapter nuts here and nuts there. Like suddenly niro is too good for the other girl and kisses the elf bitch like wtf. Too much romance going too fast. Homie gotta calm his ego down a bit, too impulsive, kinda just feels like an angsty teen who hates everything but somehow is already into the elf cuz i guess she's good enough for him unlike someone who was a slave just like he was ( niro kinda being a hypocrite )

Everyone's blaming the crown prince but i don't think he's exactly responsible for the exact incident. Yeah hes trying to reel in Sulli but the whole accident and imprisonment was most likely set up by the priest guys since they dislike Sulli and the fact that the crown prince is infatuated with her.

I Appreciate You, Upoader person !! even tho other ppl r taking it for granted, Thank you for going out of your way to do this. Especially for those (me included) who wouldnt be able to read it at all if it weren't for these updates

We all appreciate the person uploading this. Instead of acting like everyone is ungrateful, why not try reading the comments properly to see that everyone is concerned about the uploader posting the chapter so early. All we ask is for the uploader to post the chapter a few days later so the author can get some profit off her work. #-.-)

You don't seem to understand the hard work of an artist. Yes, we are reading it for free and that is reason enough to at least try to be empathetic to the creator since we are not even paying him for the work. No one is complaining that they're uploading the comic here, they're just asking some kind of awareness and to wait a few days so that the creator can make more income. What's the point of buying the chapters if they're already uploading it here for free? It's not fair, no matter how you look at it.

I have read the comments but every single comment is the same thing and even tho ur trying to relay ur message nicely think about how the uploader would feel. They've went out of their way to upload as fast as possible to share with other readers who have been waiting and yet the comments are filled with critism. Also the comments are hypocrites its not like they're paying or are going to, yet they're trying to act righteous. This manhwa is also like #1 on lezhin that means a shit ton of readers already who are going out of their way to pay. Im not saying dont support the author if u can, but whether its uploaded now or later there's still plenty who will pay and those who wont.

The uploader deserves each and every criticism directed at him/her. If you are talking about what the uploader will feel, then think about what the author has been feeling ever since her work has been uploaded illegally. The uploader doesn't lose anything but the author does. Have some respect. Surely you can wait at least a week to read it

I never said i didn't respect the author but either way its going to get uploaded. And like i said before its all hypocrisy being said. Whether its uploaded now or later there's people who are going to take advantage of the free upload whether they can pay or not. This is deadass the only manhwa where I've seen ppl complain about this despite there being so many other ones uploaded the same day. What about those authors are they not important as well. This manhwa probably makes even more money than those from its high popularity not even including those who don't buy the chaps. All my point was, was to say thanks cuz i wouldn't be able to read it at all without the uploader, even tho the author put in lots of work, how would i be able to read it all and commend the author for their work. Since everyone's shitting on the uploader despite the fact that they themselves also took advantage of the early upload doesn't seem right so i want to thank that person with one comment out of tons of complaints
Umm im starting to feel really shitty for jaehyun like homie would try hella hard to be there for hajin but just got dumped in the end. These flashbacks are fucking me up a bit.
Fr I'm like do they date and them I'm like oh lol right it doesnt matter cuz hajins daying dokyun(Idk I forgot his bfs name lol)