shinya the only one in this story that matters
wow mc gets a boyfriend by getting a dentist appointment but i cant get anyone to smile at me like this is SO unfair... /JOKE
someone GOTTA tell me what the joke in "yeats cummings" is, like i get cummings but like yeats??? i may be stupid
like- yeet your cum- i think its put in an action form so like "yeats cummings" to make it sound like a real name
i think it’s “it’s coming~” like when you’re climaxing in lmao
what the fuck happened in the story again, it's been like a yearr
this succubus taking e-sex TOO seriously :raises_eyebrow:
i feel so bad to whoever works with the security cameras for this school
sex so good that you start getting veiny
no one is talking about nagi and miyako becoming friends <//3
its not murder if they deserve it king dan i support you no matter what so please put your dick in my m
homeboy really told his crush about his tentacle fantasies with him... good for him, good for him
shinya the only one in this story that matters