So, Jian Yi's father is actually He tian's older brother Boss. It seems very pausible that at least, He Chen and He Tian know Jian Yi's father, remember that time when they tried to abduct Jian Yi and He tian ran to his house like he knew beforehand, and he knew where Jian Yi lived too... also it seems very pausible too that the She li guy is at least aware of who Mr. Jian is. How in the chicken balls Jian Yi doesn't know jack shit about it????!!!

This is for people who already read chapter 18 and 19
Can we give Sangwoo some love please?
Dude just got a special diploma on phsycological trauma with that stunt he last pulled, seriously if it weren't for him Bum wouldn't have burst that denial bubble he had.. like, the guy is actually empowering poor and defenseless Bum
(You watched that Kurose?!!!)
I hope everyone understands I am joking with this post

As for the events that happened in chapter 19, remember after Bum did the "thing", Sangwoo said something in the lines that said that Bum needed to let "all that pent up anger out," or that Bum was tired of "pretending to be innocent" <i cant really remeber the exact words, re-read chapter 19 to be sure>
Isn't it a bit interesting that Sangwoo was saying all that? As if he was talking about himself also? He genuinely looked calm and honest for once, completely different facade compared to his usual psychotic one. My point is that perhaps, those were also HIS reasons for his killings? It's his way to justify the events that happened in his past? (with his abusive father and all)
For me, that shows that there was once a point in Sangwoo's life that it was HE who felt like a victim, HE was the one who was abused, HE had to put as mask of innocence to cover his sufferings. What I'm saying is, even though it's a messed up method, he showed Bum his way of how he coped. I don't think his aim was to make Bum a murderer just for the sake of murdering. But as an outlet of all the pent up emotions from his past. It's not the ideal way to cope, I'm aware. But I'm just sharing my thoughts regarding that scene, because it has a lot more deeper meaning to it in my opinion.

(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 could someone please tell me where to read 18 and 19.

NEVER THOUGHT OF IT THAT WAY OMG Σ(っ°Д °;)っ if it's as you say then the "lets stay together forever/until death" thing would make a bit more sense

Totally with you my dear friend. I just wanted to spread the love because this whole fandom is composed of mostly innocent or naive people that are watching heavy stuff for the first time and can't see beyond the horror. The manwha is actually pretty well constructed and it has a lof of subtext behind all the apparently senseless murders. To me, the only reason Sangwoo could have to let in Bum and not kill him is because he saw his potential. Sangwoo is a predator, one who has already found comfort on his own skin, he knew right away, like a shark scenting blood, that Bum wasn't quite stable, add to that the incredible susceptibility of Bum to manipulation plus his abnormal infantuation (and we just got to know how far Bum's infantuation goes considering he liked girls before), and he got himself presented with a unique opportunity for companionship. And of course there's still some greedy need to feel powerfull from Sangwoo, but mostly I think he's being genuine when he says he wants to keep Bum.

I watched the movie some time ago and while I really got caught up till the end I wouldn't watch it again so, is has anyone seen the movie?
Is this manga like that?
I want to read it but I am kinda scared it'll be the same trip all over again...

Yes, please, someone answer this! I was really interested in Old Boy when I saw the first volume in a used book store, so I was excited to watch the movie - but then the conclusion was really upsetting; so now I'm scared to finish reading the manga! Even if it's not the same ending as the movie, does it at least have a 'happy(-ish)' ending, or is the manga creepy in a different way?
This manga is hot as hell. Hope they keep translating it.
Almost cumbusted when Phi said "I want it in both holes" .... >v<