Why the fuck is everyone here complaining? i get that we all want the story to go back to the present but can you stop fucking complaining about the flashback being long and just read it? If you couldn't then stop fucking reading then go back after a year or something. Before, you all wanna see their past life and now all you've done is complain jeez

Am I the only one who liked this? like obviously this is fucked up and the ML is definitely a psycho but I fined the scene in chap 10 hilarious, specifically the one where MC was the one who gave him the idea of turning him into an omega. Also the fact that ML is DEDICATED AF, bro is obsess and have the money and time to do it

The plot, story, characters and dialogue are all so good. Also I really love the part where the MC realize Yan He qings feelings for him. He finally realized how much Yan love him and when he came back he made sure to do everything to go back to Yan despite the fact that Yan didn't recognise him.
I've read this so many times but it's still one of my favorite seriously. Some might say that MC is sometimes careless or make dumb decision but you can't really blame him tho. It's easy to judge how to do thing "right" but in reality if anyone of us is suddenly transmigrate in a novel shit gets complicated real fast.
Lastly, the fact that we can see that no matter how much he tried to change things in the series to saved the characters, it ended up getting worse or having consequences which is why I believe that whether you plan everything when you transmigrate in a novel, somethings are just unavoidable and it will happen eventually. Anyways sorry for the long ass comment hahaha.

Broo the ML DOES NOT give a fck to anyone other than MC HAHAHAHHAHAHAH I cannot. The fact that he’s not even hiding it to anyone and straight up saying that he doesn’t like them (specially if they're close with MC) is hilarious.
Anyway I do love the hyung guy (blondie), my man is good looking AND also a good person. Everytime I see him I just love him more. Also the other guy is also hilarious. Everytime he just straight up called MLs bullshit make me laugh HAHAHHAHAHAHHA. My man does not get paid enough for MLs shit

Bro was only using him tho, he liked that he's an omega probably because he can't get pregnant and obviously he won't get tied down. Also he selfish as fck but i do wonder how the author is going to give him a character development

I'm pretty sure he wasn't using YJ.
And yes, he's prob upset at being tied down but that's not the issue, it was done without his consent, either accidentally by the beta who HADN'T know that he had converted, or that the beta HAD known that he had manifested and YET still slept with him anyways. And while sleeping with him during the rut...was he aware he's going to be marked?!? He seemed more lucid than Ian so perhaps he COULD have stopped the marking. I don't know. Also, did he know that IF Ian had release inside of him while Ian's in rut and he's in heat that he WOULD or at least COULD get pregnant?!? We don't know. With the latest chapter development it may be that Ian doesn't like being w/ omegas but we don't know the reason yet. It seems they're just FWB so the one w the feelings of course would get hurt. That part, is not Ian's fault nor responsibility.

I get your point but what I was saying is that he seem "sketchy". His intention was not made clear when he started sleeping with YJ. I wish they would clear it up in the upcoming chaps tho. Either way there's no denying that their tied up now but at the same time i wonder how they would proceed with their relationship since it seems that the top have a plan of some sort yet YJ is more anxious that he'll take away his child

I'm with you on that!!! We'll see.
Yeah. That's the part that is not clear. I mean, DY COULD like YJ but maybe not the level of "I want to date you". Also, we don't know if the "breakup" was just referring to the sex part and not the friendship part?!? We see YJ being butt hurt by it but prob bcz he's the one with more feelings. And prob the one who's been dumped. But for one to be dumped it has to have been an official relationship. FWB has no rules. I mean, no rules of attachments. So if Ian is going off of their sexual relationship based off of that and not knowing YJ's feelings then can't blame him. Also, he prob broke up w/ him bcz of the mark. But saying broke up sounds intense. For all intended purposes I'm giving Ian the benefit of the doubt by saying that Ian stopped the FWB part and just to remain friends. Though that would be hard of there are feelings involved.
I honestly thought it was just gonna be a goofy type of manhwa but then damn holy shit that was some angst. I also loved how the top work out his issues and better himself instead of just forcing the bot to like move on or something. Bro was even willing to go to therapy just to make sure he'll be able to help him