Kiki created a topic of Nerd Project

Two whole ass chapters of them having s*x CAN THEY STOP AND ACTUALLY COMMUNICATE

Kiki created a topic of 1995 Youth Report

Wow! What a great way to strengthen their friendship! I should try this with my friends

Amazing give me fourteen of these

Kiki created a topic of Love on a Loop

Guys when is this updating again? I miss my sons

Kiki created a topic of Between the Stars


Kiki created a topic of Rainbow City

The random Jotakak panel took me out

This month was so bad. Trump got elected, Jennifer Gonzalez also got elected, Isha and Jayvik died, and this goddamm mitsuaya misunderstanding.

Kiki created a topic of 1 to 10

My long haired king is back

Kiki created a topic of Don't Mess With the Puppy!

That dick was more of a jumpscare than the wolf itself

Kiki created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

HE GAVE HIM YELLOW FLOWERS I wonder if it’s bc the time place of the manwha was in September 21 and at least here in Latinoamérica we gift yellow flowers to our friends/partner or families

Kiki created a topic of Part-Time Partner

These are the same bitches who will tell you with a straight face that they’re hetero

Kiki created a topic of Lady Black is depressed

I need that detective woman so bad she’s so fine I’m about to-