UndecidedMumbling July 11, 2021 3:38 am

What if the black haired guy is transgender? Like his second gender... he was born as an alpha but he doesn't identify as one so he is living as a beta...

    ZellButler July 11, 2021 4:32 am

    That’s pretty damn dangerous.. he should at least tell people he is still an alpha but doesn’t identify as one anymore.. especially if he wants to hang out with Omegas.

    ZellButler July 11, 2021 4:32 am
    That’s pretty damn dangerous.. he should at least tell people he is still an alpha but doesn’t identify as one anymore.. especially if he wants to hang out with Omegas. ZellButler

    That’s if this is the case ^^

    ss5211 July 11, 2021 11:23 am

    Some alpha’s in other stories do what he did, not because they’re trans but because they don’t wanna be seen as superior or had a bad experience with being alpha. He might be the same?

UndecidedMumbling July 8, 2021 3:56 am

Last chapter Yahwi was literally just spouting lipservice to try to bombard Jooin with a bunch of bs and false promises. Honestly, both Cain and Yahwi need to give Jooin a god damn minute to digest all of the bullshit they are both shoveling his way.
But yeah, Yahwi needs to stop his new tendency of spewing random nonsense such as "I won't do anything you don't like anymore." Like what does that even mean? It means nothing because they are empty words. Mans is just wasting Jooin's time and over loading him with things to consider, one of which being Yahwi's sincerity, something that has always been questionable
Additionally, I'm so enraged by Yahwi's ignorance to the way his actions look to others and will therefore affect Jooin. When Yahwi kissed Jooin's fingers on campus, I got so mad. What made me even more engaged was the fact that Jooin voiced his his complaints but there was no understanding of the context and connection to past experiences on Yahwi's end. Clearly it made Jooin uncomfortable because he was BULLIED for being the gay guy who follows Yahwi around when Yahwi appeared uninterested. This lack of thought on Yahwi's end is yet another example of him not considering Jooin's feelings and pursuing him for the sake of not losing something he once had, not for the want to build a meaningful relationship with someone you don't want to lose.

UndecidedMumbling July 7, 2021 3:24 am

Minhyuk is hot as fuck. That is all.

UndecidedMumbling June 14, 2021 2:11 am

It's chapter 50 and they're still not dating lmao

UndecidedMumbling June 11, 2021 5:28 am

FL is a terrible person. She breaks up with her boyfriend of a year on impulse without giving him a meaningful reason. Like you're allowed to break up with someone if you don't want to be with them anymore, but not out of the blue without a two-way conversation. Next she touches ML without his consent and without giving him time to think about whether it is something he wants to do with his best friend of 10 years. Then she ties him up without making sure he is comfortable with it and then fucking LEAVES HIM for a long time, tied up and with a vibrator. Then when she comes back and finds that he has squirted on her bed, she makes fun of him for "peeing the bed." BITCH WHAT?! You left him alone and overestimated the fuck out of him, then you fucking make fun of him for something he couldn't control?! I fucking hate this cunt. She's an insensitive bitch who doesn't think about anything. The only neuron she has firing is locating the next vessel she'll use to orgasm.
This post doesn't even cover all of the inconsiderate shit she has done. I'm just tired of being angry at someone who clearly doesn't think about anything of substance and doesn't seem to have any plans of changing that. The only reason I'll continue reading this is because the art is good and the ML is cute, I'm just going to try to advert my focus from her ignorance and enjoy the art.
And no I don't think that she has to have romantic feelings for ML just bc he does. But I think that she should have basic human decency and maybe some consideration for the "friend" she's known for a decade.

UndecidedMumbling June 8, 2021 4:30 am

I feel like ppl forget that from Jiwoon's perspective, he's never been able to have anything of his own. Anything he has doesn't actually belong it him bc it was provided by his family and can be taken away as quickly as it was given. His family has always belittled him and given him the short straw, so when he finally has something/someone of his own that he is not willing to give up, he's trying to do everything in his power to keep it. Plus, they still have not talked about the time when Suha left Jiwoon for Dohyeok (when Jiwoon was drugged)... obviously Suha had his reasons, but those reasons were not explained to Jiwoon. Jiwoon was probably terrified of Suha leaving him for Dohyeok even before the drugging incident, due to Suha's history with Dohyeok.
I have always been on Jiwoon's side bc he has been through so much with his shitty family. I don't think people should jump ship the first time Jiwoon's "flawless seme" character begins to show cracks that were caused by years of mental abuse and also insecurities in their relationship that have not yet been talked through

    Water June 8, 2021 4:40 am

    Exactly. Flawless seme doesn't exist. People are picking what they want to understand. It is clear why he is behaving like this. Suha isn't helping too, he is too relaxed especially with red hair and that Mr Yoon. It's like he has no sense of danger.

    UndecidedMumbling June 8, 2021 4:50 am
    Exactly. Flawless seme doesn't exist. People are picking what they want to understand. It is clear why he is behaving like this. Suha isn't helping too, he is too relaxed especially with red hair and that Mr Yo... Water

    Totally agree. Honestly the one who should be prosecuted for their actions right now is Suha. Suha has not shown Jiwoon that he can be trusted to be cautious around Jiwoon's family. Remember the time Suha went to "save Mr Yoon" but actually just walked into Dohyeok's trap and ended up being assaulted? There are so many moments of poor judgement by Suha that I don't blame Jiwoon for the anxiety he is feeling

    UndecidedMumbling June 8, 2021 4:53 am
    Totally agree. Honestly the one who should be prosecuted for their actions right now is Suha. Suha has not shown Jiwoon that he can be trusted to be cautious around Jiwoon's family. Remember the time Suha went ... UndecidedMumbling

    (I'm not saying the assault is Suha's fault, I'm just saying that that's an example of how his judgment regarding that family and suspicious situations is askew )

    lilith42 June 8, 2021 10:53 am

    I love Jiwoon! I said it so many times lol he was nothing but good to Suha and I've never read a top being so vulnerable and fragile like him, he was needy of Suha's affection from the very beginning and he was happy to receive as much love as Suha could've given him.
    I want to point out that now he's seems very ill... he's got eye bags and overall he doesn't look good, he always looks worried and hurt. I miss when he could laugh and joke a bit with Suha. Also... I know he's being very creepy but as far as I know it (I'm in ch. 81) he's lied straight to Suha's face and took his phone without him noticing (Suha still had this laptop) but he never *actually* prevented him of going out... or doing anything, really... he said he's anxious and told Suha to stay at home. I know it's ...very... alarming but he's not doing it because he's a psycho who wants to cage Suha... he's doing it because he's actually worried sick

    lilith42 June 8, 2021 11:05 am
    I love Jiwoon! I said it so many times lol he was nothing but good to Suha and I've never read a top being so vulnerable and fragile like him, he was needy of Suha's affection from the very beginning and he was... lilith42

    It's far from the best way and it kinda ruins the character for me, not gonna lie. Jiwoon was "perfect" because he cared so much about Suha. He was hurt when he was drugged and forced himself on Suha on season 2, he said sorry and cried about it, he was so upset for hurting him like this... and now, season 3, he's letting his insecurities be bigger........... thats why I miss the old Jiwoon. I wish this season didn't end like this.
    But hear me out - I'm still in chapter 81 and thing is, Suha doesn't even notice he's being mistreated. He knows something is up but literally nothing happens to him but to stay at home for some time. That's everything Jiwoon is asking of him right now and it's not good at all because Suha is so independent. It's alarming... it feels like something bad is gonna happen and I hope it doesn't. I just wish Jiwoon was more honest too, you know?

    Water June 8, 2021 5:41 pm
    It's far from the best way and it kinda ruins the character for me, not gonna lie. Jiwoon was "perfect" because he cared so much about Suha. He was hurt when he was drugged and forced himself on Suha on season ... lilith42

    There isn't old jiwoon and new jiwoon. I don't understand how people think someone like him after seeing everything he went through will be normal and have a normal life. We are getting to know the real jiwoon,his fears, scars and insecurities. I like how the author isn't sweeping everything under the carpet.

    lilith42 June 8, 2021 6:39 pm
    There isn't old jiwoon and new jiwoon. I don't understand how people think someone like him after seeing everything he went through will be normal and have a normal life. We are getting to know the real jiwoon,... Water

    We can make a comparison between his old and his new behavior. It's a way of speaking and I think it's fair since we've seen Suha be abused right in front of him and his behavior wasn't to lock up the person he loves the most, actually... at the time, he confessed his feelings, was supportive and did everything he could do to put one of the responsables in prison. In season 2 I couldn't picture Jiwoon being like this to Suha, now he puts his fears, scars and insecurities first than his actual love and support of Suha. He's blind and he's not only being selfish but he's also dishonest.
    Suha suffered too but he doesn't inflict his suffering on others. I rlly hope he doesn't hurt the person he loves... because if he does anything any further it proves it's just possessiveness and not love at all...

    UndecidedMumbling June 9, 2021 12:08 am
    I love Jiwoon! I said it so many times lol he was nothing but good to Suha and I've never read a top being so vulnerable and fragile like him, he was needy of Suha's affection from the very beginning and he was... lilith42

    I definitely agree that he looks and is acting ill. In the scene before Jiwoon shuts off Suha's phone, he is seen watching Suha sleep and then leaving the room. I feel that this is portraying that he can't sleep at night even though he has someone precious waiting for him. Insomnia in addition to everything else that is worrying him is definitely making things worse. It seems to stem from his insecurities and anxieties regarding Suha. I think Jiwoon is taking steps forward to keep Suha with him, such as how he is begging him to stay in the house and out of harm.
    Jiwoon does not want to isolate Suha, bc he realizes that it could cause Suha to want to leave him, but he also wants Suha to be cautious when going outside due to everything they have been through with his family. I feel that Jiwoon is pleading with Suha, but Suha does not even consider how Jiwoon has been feeling. As we, the audience can see, Suha knows something is bothering Jiwoon, but Suha has no idea what it is that is bothering him, and he has not asked. For example, Suha's first thought of Jiwoon's request of Suha to do "anything he asks" is met with a thought about Jiwoon asking for a sexual favor. These compounding incidents of Suha not noticing and not /trying/ to discuss what is actually going on with Jiwoon makes me sad bc it is showing that Suha is taking their relationship a lot more lightly (and with a lot less consideration) than Jiwoon.
    Obviously, when there is a problem with not conveying ideas within a relationship, both parties are at fault, but I just feel like Jiwoon is trying a lot harder than Suha, and it makes me sad for Jiwoon.
    Also, in the latest chapter, Jiwoon speaks with Ms. Lee about an opportunity... I think this may have something to do with revealing Dohyeok's actual personality and removing him from his pedestal in the eyes of the public, their family, and their company. If this is the case, it is clear that Jiwoon is doing everything he can to keep Suha with him and to eliminate any threats to Suha and their relationship.

    lilith42 June 9, 2021 3:37 am
    I definitely agree that he looks and is acting ill. In the scene before Jiwoon shuts off Suha's phone, he is seen watching Suha sleep and then leaving the room. I feel that this is portraying that he can't slee... UndecidedMumbling

    As you said it, he can't sleep, he's looking and acting ill. Jiwoon seems tired, irritated and expressionless, he's far from his normal state of mind and it's getting worse. It's clear he's having hard time.
    Jiwoon is worried sick and his trauma is making him do things he normally wouldn't. He's not a bad person, he can seem threatening to other people sometimes (Mr Yoon, Ms. Lee) but he's actually very good. This hurts to see.
    He's taking steps forward to keep Suha with him, he wants it so so much but he's doing it the wrong way. Nobody is a fan of him lying so much... honestly it's sad to see how instead of being true, he choses to lie and it makes me wonder if he's wasn't mad at Suha and taking it out on him (I mean, he pretended to call Suha's phone when he knew where it was, how he lied about not knowing where he was when he's met with Mr. Yoon etc). Just right now he's (SPOILER ch78) bought a bigger house to make Suha stay and tell people Suha is sick and they should monitor his actions for him to not get out(SPOILER) I don't doubt this is also making him more ill than he is. I love love Jiwoon, love how thoughtful and caring he was but his actions are being manipulative and they can be harmful. He's not acting in love anymore... he's acting in response of his fear and trauma.
    For me, Suha actually loves him a lot and he's a victim. He was honest from the very beginning about his feelings, how it takes time for him to fall in love again or even believe he's loved, how he was afraid of getting into a new relationship, how he's had a a rough past, how he was afraid of getting hurt. He's just very independent and doesn't sense danger to himself. I agree he should worry more, but it was him who was abused, it's him who should be reassured. Instead of it, Jiwoon's actions are getting abusive. It's sad that Suha can be both victim of Jiwoon and Dohyeok's actions, right now when he's starting to believe he's loved.
    Yes!! It's good how Jiwoon is planning to remove Dohyeok from his pedestral but I wonder what is going to happen with Mr Yoon, I hope he doesn't get much involved... he's very innocent and nice, literally nothing is his fault and Suha would be hurt if something happens to him. I may be reading way too much into it LOLOL but it's mainly because I wasn't expecting Jiwoon, one of my favorite characters, to do these things, even though they're explainable and he's clearly not on his right mind.

    Water June 10, 2021 3:58 am
    As you said it, he can't sleep, he's looking and acting ill. Jiwoon seems tired, irritated and expressionless, he's far from his normal state of mind and it's getting worse. It's clear he's having hard time.Jiw... lilith42

    Why is it that you only see suha's painful past and scars and not jiwoon's. It's like you take jiwoon's fears, scars lightly and suha's seriously which isn't fair. Suha is scared, jiwoon is also scared. They both need to communicate. Not just jiwoon because he is the seme, suha doesn't even behave like he cares about jiwoon's past. He still supports the grandma and red hair still friends with Mr yoon. Yes Mr Yoon is sus I don't trust him. Let's give jiwoon a chance to right his wrongs and take the right steps.

    lilith42 June 10, 2021 10:51 am
    Why is it that you only see suha's painful past and scars and not jiwoon's. It's like you take jiwoon's fears, scars lightly and suha's seriously which isn't fair. Suha is scared, jiwoon is also scared. They bo... Water

    But I do see it... and I'm not taking it lightly. I just don't like when the consequences of Jiwoon's past are on Suha's back. It'd be the same if I saw Suha behaving badly towards Jiwoon because of his own past... like, that's not excusable. It's you who takes Suha's scars and fears lightly if you think it's ok for Jiwoon to treat Suha like this only because he had a rough past. Like the guy just came from an abusive relationship, Jiwoon told him he wouldn't hurt him........ and now he's lying and trying to lock him up without his consent (bc he's afraid but still.....)
    That's true. Suha is not reassuring him enough, I totally agree with you on this. But I don't think he doesn't care... he's just not living in the past like Jiwoon, who seems stuck in it. Idk both need to talk a lot. I love this manhwa but the *talking* part is needed! Mainly about their past. Suha loves him a lot actually... genuinely enjoys his personality and body, he went with his abuser to save Jiwoon.
    Nooo Suha doesn't support the grandma and redhair... he's completely uncomfortable around them. He owns grandma because it was her who supported his family when he was younger and who gave him the opportunity to have his job + she's his superior. Redhair, like he hates redhair lol And Mr. Yoon is kinda sus but he's never done anything wrong xD just because Jiwoon doesnt like him it doesnt mean he's bad.
    Yesssssss I mean thats everything that I want, for him to right his wrongs. Both of them, and Suha to love him when he's on this worst... I mean, even now Jiwoon still treats Suha like a prince.

UndecidedMumbling May 19, 2021 5:51 pm

Fuck I'm getting soft. But we must remember that Jooin is not in Yahwi's head like we just were. None of this fondness has been portrayed to Jooin. Cain has been such a good candidate for Jooin while Yahwi's actions have not shown any of the fondness we know he is feeling. I'm still team Cain unless by some miracle Yahwi has a huge growth in character and learns how to share his feelings through sincere words and actions.

UndecidedMumbling May 11, 2021 9:07 pm

Matthew needs to chill the fuck out. Hayoung needs space (especially if he is pregnant...)

    [email protected] May 11, 2021 10:01 pm

    He shouldn't have space if he's pregnant cause in most omegaverses the omega needs the daddy Alpha's pheromones to keep the baby and his pheromones stable

    UndecidedMumbling May 12, 2021 2:21 am
    He shouldn't have space if he's pregnant cause in most omegaverses the omega needs the daddy Alpha's pheromones to keep the baby and his pheromones stable [email protected]

    What if he doesn't want a surprise baby from a baby daddy that came inside him and marked him without consent? Hayoung needs time to figure these things out

UndecidedMumbling April 17, 2021 12:31 am

This is so toxic. I love it. Yeah they're a shit couple. Yeah Taesung is a piece of shit. But at least he's true to his gangster character. I love this, The more toxic it gets the more I want to read on. I wouldn't ever want to be in a relationship like this, but as a work of fiction, I'm all for it. Also, I fucking love that Sooyoung discovered that he has a choke kink. Can't wait to see more

    Colorless_skeleton69 April 17, 2021 1:54 am

    Just because he a gangster he can have more depth he a fucking flat character

UndecidedMumbling April 16, 2021 4:02 am

Court room scene reminded me of Uenoyama's gay panic

    SayerSong April 16, 2021 4:17 am

    I just laughed through the entire thing. LOL

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