Mybe the fmly desperate to separate Lilith & the maid, Suzie hence, marrying Lilith to a mere captain. Lilith gv birth to a daughter and named her Su (as of Suzie). The warden hates them both and created a sex AI whose face (to me)look more like Suzie than his wife knowing Suzie been actively 1 of AI protestor. As of now, we know Lilith dead but where could Suzie be?. Is she dead too?. All sadness aside, i lol at Lilith naming her dog Satan
She wanted to die while still in love with the brother, keep on living so that the dead Kouru wont blame her if Hana had killed herself. "Hana, u speak like my Kouru again". My Kouru this, my Kouru that. Until now, author havent showed that she had slightest love for Hana. Will she ever be?.