CuteCumber answered question about question
and you started this why again? We can’t read a book or ride a bike anymore?
CuteCumber created a topic of Incompetent Villain

At first I wanted them to become enemies to lovers but nah I don’t like the white haired guy tbh

CuteCumber created a topic of Stalker's Game

Yes it I understand now hurry and fuck me already!!! :D just kidding if you don’t get your ass out my damn house right tf now I will literally bash your head with a pan FYM?

CuteCumber created a topic of Stalker's Game

Sad part is I’m halfway through and thought if he asked if I wanted to meet I’d say yes….gUrL the only thing u can say is…..I would’ve been dead a long time ago if this was me LMAO at least he ain’t poison the food and shit

CuteCumber created a topic of The Princess is Evil

Pretend to get slapped

CuteCumber created a topic of Lady Baby

I honestly don’t even wanna read this anymore like we are 100+ chapters and still don’t know jack so a quick summary of this would be fine

Skipped a whole fight and rescue like cmon

It seems interesting but it hasn’t been updated in a month? Did they drop it because if they did I won’t start this

THE CHAPTERS ARENT GONE. Now stay that way hoe

CuteCumber answered question about my religion
I don’t know about y’all but i’d pick abs over dick anyday the thought of someone’s stank unwashed pointer going into my beautiful clean virgin boy pussy is disturbing man boobs are the way to go
CuteCumber created a topic of To a New Life

I know there’s alternative titles but this is a bit too different from the name but what do I know

I’ve been reading this on another site not knowing all the chapters were here. Anyways, love me fuck me tease me please me ignore that last part

Someone has got to put these pages in order or something it made no sense


Anyone think he was a bit….small? Giving me undeveloped vibes rn

CuteCumber created a topic of SISTER'S SEX EDUCATION

I find satisfaction in torturing myself why did I read the first 3 chapters

CuteCumber created a topic of Full volume

Please don’t send me death threats but I’d like to see them mind break him especially the foursome omfg I’d like that very much but this isn’t the type of story :(

CuteCumber created a topic of Secret Therapy

Just imagine if it wasn’t censored girl boners for days and even years

Girl that was shorter than a bottoms dick holy

CuteCumber created a topic of Ai o Ataeru Kemonotachi

Did I miss it I started this when it first started as a dj and I don’t remember seeing one dick