I forgot to put this manga in my “reading” section and I forgot it existed and I FUCKING FORGOT WHAT CHAPTER I GOT UP TO I didn’t even have the sense to put a comment saying what chapter I last readddd ughhhh now Im so behinddddd
Hasn’t there been enough of taeju doing stupid things? Like ig he thinks he’s doing the right thing by backing out but its a bitttttt too late for that he should stay with euihyun instead of giving him more trust issues lmao, where is bro’s brain?
I completely forgot this existed idek whats happening when I saw an update I was like huh? Whats this? Ive even forgotten names who is jian lmao
But im kind of a mean person and I want her to get back at him for ignoring her bcs I feel like his kiss is too unrealistic and he’s gonna hurt her feelings, I want him to beg no matter how hot he may be :D
Does it get less toxic like does heeseo become more stable and mature and does taekyubg stop getting guilt tripped???
I was just reading the comments to see if its good n I should read it. The plot seems to be so deep, the fans are invested man. And the names seem so cool lmao.
How on earth is jaekyung supposed to redeem himself? Was this the authors plan to make the story completely unimaginable like I can’t even predict what will happen next that would be even nearly enough for a redemption arc?? Is this gonna be a shitty half-assed ending idk we’ll see ig. I have high expectations bcs of bj alex
There was so much material to work off of but still it was finished too simply and too quickly. I was hoping for a bit more character development and true structure to the plot. The main couple was cute tho bcs sometimes the roles would switch and they both tease each other. I honestly wonder what it feels like to be in love and have it reciprocated I would love to let loose like that.
Its literally a comedy now how the hell does any of this make human sense? Like, what? I just, idek anymore I thought it was fine but there is like no character development bro needs to chill
I really wish I was there for the whole ride, I didn’t really like it when I first tried it but I should have given it more chances. Now I really regret not reading it along with everyone else, I read it literally just after everyone finished :((. I love being there for a good yaoi from start to finish as it feels like a family.
I can’t tell who’s worse ahn jiwon or jaekyung… was jiwon this bad?? Even potn seungho was nicer imo than jaekyung he at least started to care quicker and he didn’t mentally abuse nakyum idt
Guysss can yall rec some other yaois with a nice clean art style and a different setting. Like yk how this authors stories are v diff like ones with a bj in uni and this ones a story about a physiotherapist working with a big shot but its not all just sex it has a story…
I had no idea we could comment again until seeing these IVE MISSED YALL ITS BEEN TOO LONG ITS SO FUN RAGING AB STUFF WITH YOU GUYSSS