Sooo uhm anyone wanna tell me why this is so bad before I start reading?

Personally, i think the flow of the story itself is pretty bad. There's some backstory of what happened to them in the past that made the uke felt guilty towards the seme. I could understand why seme was obsessed with uke since they've been living together for a long time. But i just didn't fully understand the uke's character. At one time he seems to hate what the seme did, and at some other time he just followed what the seme wants. Also there's a lot of r*pe scene. Well, the art is good but the storyline kinda seems boring for me

But im kind of a mean person and I want her to get back at him for ignoring her bcs I feel like his kiss is too unrealistic and he’s gonna hurt her feelings, I want him to beg no matter how hot he may be :D

Her fault she can't take a hint imo because what did he do that require him to "beg for forgiveness" so badly. So weird so many people are commenting this. He doesn't need to apologise nor beg because disappearing from her life is not something he could undo nor control. His father is responsible for that. And the brown haired dude failed to relay his final message. Keep in mind both are human beings and neither of them have to grovel nor "beg" unless they murdered someone.

Its a manhwa anything could happen.. when I wrote this comment I thought he was going to kiss her and play with her. And of course I wouldn’t expect him to literally beg you’re right in saying he doesn’t need to I’m a bit surprised how literally you took my comment. I was just hypothesising if he did hurt her feelings badly a redemption arc would be expected hence the “beg”. I’m aware of all of this but he could at least owe her an explanation anyway, sure his last message wasn’t relayed but now that he knows stuff he could at least tell her something, anything to stop her curiosity and let her let go in peace. It’s hard to let go of your first love when you were so close.

How on earth is jaekyung supposed to redeem himself? Was this the authors plan to make the story completely unimaginable like I can’t even predict what will happen next that would be even nearly enough for a redemption arc?? Is this gonna be a shitty half-assed ending idk we’ll see ig. I have high expectations bcs of bj alex

There was so much material to work off of but still it was finished too simply and too quickly. I was hoping for a bit more character development and true structure to the plot. The main couple was cute tho bcs sometimes the roles would switch and they both tease each other. I honestly wonder what it feels like to be in love and have it reciprocated I would love to let loose like that.
I forgot to put this manga in my “reading” section and I forgot it existed and I FUCKING FORGOT WHAT CHAPTER I GOT UP TO I didn’t even have the sense to put a comment saying what chapter I last readddd ughhhh now Im so behinddddd
Actually I think I figured it out, I remember the last chapter of season 1 but not the start of season 2, so cleeaaarrrllyyyy I just finished season 1