"I don't care" is her most used comeback. Shes insensitive. Okay thats not a HUGE deal in itself.
But she expects others to be the same and just not be affected by the bullshit she puts out there. All the valid criticism she gets is faced with the logic that its her opinion, she doesn't care about how she affects others so they shouldn't get angry ......
So once again, as the person I am. I was fighting with someone and they had said "Bisexual's should be able to say dy*e!" Personally I don't like bisexuals saying dy*e as a lesbian women. So share your opinions.
08 04,2021
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QrSb9Q9bQI&t=3s please i beg of you, troll on his videos. Troll the people in the comments who support him. its a straight pride parade for fucks sake, what is wrong with him? just so yall know, this guy is biphobic, homophobic, transphobic, and denies being any of these. but then says that the LGBTQ community has ......
28 02,2021