mudmud created a topic of Honey Bear

omg i feel so bad for the bottom :( like his exbf was such a shithead wtf

mudmud created a topic of Virtues of the Villainess

the fl is so real i loved her pervy side

mudmud created a topic of An Excuse to Feel Young

nOO IM WAY TOO EARLY now i have to wait for more chapters

mudmud created a topic of The Boundary of Fragrance

this breaks my heart....

mudmud created a topic of There Is No Place for Fakes

her biological family makes 0 sense lmao

mudmud created a topic of SUI mo AMAI mo

im excited for this <3

is there any mpreg... if yes which chapter

mudmud created a topic of Hiraeth wa tabji no hate

the story & art is SOOOO good!!!

what i dont understand.... her kid got kidnapped and i get that she cant do much about it...but shes just out here drinking tea WTF? im not a mother per se but my little brother is like a son to me and i swear to got just thinking about him getting kidnapped... i wouldnt even be able to sleep, eat or do anything??

and then the kid comes back she just gives him a hug and then proceeds to talk with the male lead??? GIRL???? UR SON WAS KIDNAPPED ??? U DIDNT SEE HIM FOR DAYS U DIDNT KNOW IF HE WAS ALIVE IF HE WAS GETTIG GOOD ETC ETC and ure just gonna give him a simple short hug and thats it?

bye im dropping this cause it makes zero sense LOL

mudmud created a topic of Shun-chan, look over here!

this was soooo cute his eyes...omg so pretty

mudmud created a topic of Seduce the Villain's Father

i loved this sm aaaa the fl is so cute

mudmud created a topic of Castehate

this is so ass

mudmud created a topic of Mated To The Ruthless Alpha

is the author like 12 years old or smth

mudmud created a topic of Love Strongly, Surprise!
mudmud created a topic of Fox Love Story

this isnt gl?

Who keeps uploading these half chapters GOD PLS STOPPPP its so annoying

all the men in this story are TRASH ! <3 throw them away

this is so bad like why are the mls in chinese Bls always SOOO toxic? like this is nothing next to jinx

mudmud created a topic of The Tragedy of a Villainess

i want bibi so badly pls step ob me