SlutforLevi☺ March 1, 2024 12:26 am

Does anyone have the raws?
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

SlutforLevi☺ June 17, 2021 1:03 am

Have you guys looked at the raws (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

SlutforLevi☺ June 7, 2021 6:27 pm

Bro favorite crime by Olivia Rodrigo perfectly describes their relationship, I'm glad they separated as it was the best for both sides as it was toxic

Slutforlevi March 3, 2021 4:38 pm

Ew that's so sad wtf, it doesn't matter if it's a "hot" scene, it's still rape and they should stop normalizing something like this just because people find it "hot" (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    inumaki March 3, 2021 4:51 pm

    .... bro it's fiction lmao. it's not real rape. fiction ≠ reality. if you really want to make a difference in ACTUAL normalization (and not a trope in FICTIONAL stories) then maybe go outside and protest there or become a cop or some shit. doing this, commenting on an illegal site, does jack shit.

    julixtta March 3, 2021 5:20 pm

    No one is normalizing anything. People aren't gonna think rape is suddenly okay because of this manga lmao it's fiction

    Slutforlevi March 3, 2021 5:40 pm

    I apologize if I offended anyone by putting my comment out there, I just wanted to state how I felt about this story. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Kyoshiro March 3, 2021 6:59 pm

    You're right, don't worry.

    inumaki March 4, 2021 1:14 am
    I apologize if I offended anyone by putting my comment out there, I just wanted to state how I felt about this story. ( ̄∇ ̄") Slutforlevi

    you didn't offend anyone. we're just saying that's not how the world works ya know ? simply drawing a story featuring rape doesn't "normalize" it. people in REAL LIFE saying rape is okay = normalizing it.

    Kyoshiro March 4, 2021 3:16 pm
    you didn't offend anyone. we're just saying that's not how the world works ya know ? simply drawing a story featuring rape doesn't "normalize" it. people in REAL LIFE saying rape is okay = normalizing it. inumaki

    If you say that rape in fiction is okay you're normalizing it too. Real life and fiction are connected at some point. And you can't say yes in a situation and say no in another. Rape is a real concept used in fiction. We're not talking about a concept like "magic" and "fantastic". We're talking about a real social problem.

    julixtta March 4, 2021 3:35 pm
    If you say that rape in fiction is okay you're normalizing it too. Real life and fiction are connected at some point. And you can't say yes in a situation and say no in another. Rape is a real concept used in f... Kyoshiro

    Ever heard of noncon/dubcon kink? This manga is for those people who enjoy it. It's not that deep lol

    inumaki March 4, 2021 3:38 pm
    If you say that rape in fiction is okay you're normalizing it too. Real life and fiction are connected at some point. And you can't say yes in a situation and say no in another. Rape is a real concept used in f... Kyoshiro

    that is literally not how it works lmao. real life and fiction are never connected. that it is why it's fiction. they are completely separate entities and if you can't differentiate the difference, that is a "you" problem. not the person who created the work. "And you can't say yes in a situation and say no in another." what does this even mean ?? i'm not seeing how that correlates to how fictional rape with fictional characters somehow normalizes or is trying to say "rape is a good thing." no person who isn't a literal idiot reads a fictional story and goes "ah. yes because of this fictional rape scene with fictional characters, rape is good and normal." it's similar to pedophilia. you can't be charged for reading a STORY. cause it is a STORY. with FICTIONAL CHARACTERS and not real kids.

    Kyoshiro March 4, 2021 3:53 pm
    that is literally not how it works lmao. real life and fiction are never connected. that it is why it's fiction. they are completely separate entities and if you can't differentiate the difference, that is a "y... inumaki

    Omg. They're connected. Like I don't understand how you can't see that. And being connected doesn't means they're the same if that's your problem. My sentence perfectly make sense. You can say no in real life rape and say yes in fictional rape. And if you think that nobody think that rape is ok after seeing/reading a fiction then you're out of this world. Millions of people think that. Because it is portrayed in fiction and normalized.
    Did you know that just "reading a story" on a site about pedophilia is a crime ? That's why some websites are shut down by authority. Because they contains drawings of pedophilia.
    I was thinking the same things as you before. " Rape in fiction is not the same as real life so it's ok.". But then I grew up and educated myself on things. And realize that it was just gross either way.
    So well, if you can't see the problem, good for you. But don't go convincing people that it's ok because you don't see the problem with it. The OP has their opinion and she's right about it.
    Let's agree on our desagreement.

    Kyoshiro March 4, 2021 3:56 pm
    Ever heard of noncon/dubcon kink? This manga is for those people who enjoy it. It's not that deep lol julixtta

    Yeah I heard about it. But I think that it's often a roleplay thing.
    Tell me if I'm wrong (I'm genuinely asking)

    inumaki March 4, 2021 4:09 pm
    Omg. They're connected. Like I don't understand how you can't see that. And being connected doesn't means they're the same if that's your problem. My sentence perfectly make sense. You can say no in real life r... Kyoshiro

    theyre not ?? how are they connected then ? tell me. cause it can feature humans ?? cause fiction also has fucking dragons but those don't exist in real life, do they ? and as i already SAID ! only idiots and people with literal mental disorders can't distinguish between fiction and reality. you know what else is portrayed in fiction ? being a literal god and having superpowers. that's EVERYWHERE in fiction, so it could be considered a "normal" thing but you don't see SANE, everyday people thinking they can have superpowers do you ? only idiots or people with mental illnesses of some kind.

    AS I ALSO SAID, YOU CANNOT BE CHARGED FOR READING A STORY. and yeah no shit if you read it on a site with literal REAL child porn the site could be taken down. but GUESS WHAT. DEPICTIONS OR DESCRIPTIONS OF FICTIONAL CHILDREN CANNOT GET YOU ARRESTED. YOU CANNOT BE CHARGED WITH A CRIME OVER FICTIONAL CHILDREN. and i can literally back this up with facts. you're trying to disprove something you know nothing about ?!

    just because you think both real and fictional rape is gross (which i'm not denying it is) doesn't make fictional rape illegal ?? or trying to "normalize" it ?? if you call this "being educated" then you're just plain wrong dude. you literally spouted inaccuracies at me and tried to play it off as a fact, when it WASNT.

    also, it literally is okay. cause it's FICTION. and unless OP cant tell the difference between fiction and reality, then we're fucking fine ?? "The OP has their opinion and she's right about it." if it's an opinion, it can't be "right." opinions aren't "right," nor are they "wrong." since they are not facts. they are judgements.

    Kyoshiro March 4, 2021 4:21 pm
    theyre not ?? how are they connected then ? tell me. cause it can feature humans ?? cause fiction also has fucking dragons but those don't exist in real life, do they ? and as i already SAID ! only idiots and p... inumaki

    So you literally compared rape and magic. Wow. Great argument.
    The site I was talking about is picturing drawings of child porn, not real child porn. So I can back this up with facts too.

    And rape and pedophilia are not the same. And you know why ? Because rape is normalized and pedophilia is not. So you'll never be charged for reading rape but you can be charged for reading pedophilia.

    The "inaccuracies" you're talking about are just you having a hard time understanding what I'm saying. Because from your comment, I see that you're trying to make points on things that I already explained. This or you have terrible memory.

    Then if opinions aren't "right or wrong' then fictional rape is, in fact, not ok.
    There. You have your "fact".

    Kyoshiro March 4, 2021 4:23 pm
    theyre not ?? how are they connected then ? tell me. cause it can feature humans ?? cause fiction also has fucking dragons but those don't exist in real life, do they ? and as i already SAID ! only idiots and p... inumaki

    Fiction and reality are connected when you're trying to make your fiction similar to reality. It's as simple as that. The use of real concept in fiction link it to reality. That's it.

    inumaki March 4, 2021 5:59 pm

    ?? and ?? it's an analogy, do you not know what that is ? it's a comparison ?? doesn't matter if it's something not horrible and something awful cause it shows you the point ??

    you are literally so wrong it hurts. do you even know the law ?? cause I DO. and it literally says IF IT IS A DRAWING OF A FICTIONAL CHILD, IT DOES NOT COUNT AS PEDOPHILIA. you're using a site that literally could have been taken down by ANYONE, not just the police and using it as part of your arguement, and you also haven't even given me the site so i can't even fact check you. you know what you can fact check for the points i gave you ? THE LITERAL LAW. if you don't believe me that fictional child porn can't get you arrested or your site taken down, here's an example, actually take TWO ! pixiv and twitter. both allow EXPLICIT porn on their sites. much of it is of fictional children. (ever heard of the bnha fandom ?) so there goes that point of yours.

    no way. you're not fucking real. people try to normalize pedophilia all the fucking time ??? pedos are literally everywhere ?? the age of consent in some places is as low as 11 and you're trying to tell me pedophilia isn't normalized ??? are you not a real person ???

    the "inaccuracies" are legitimately inaccuracies. you said "reading a story" and "drawings of pedophilia" can be shut down by forces of authority but in reality THEY CANT. FICTIONAL CHILD PORN CANNOT GET YOU ARRESTED. AS I HAVE SAID, MULTIPLE TIMES. stop trying to argue with it cause it's the literal fucking truth ??

    that's how arguements work ? i look at your points and refute them ?? have you never been in an arguement before ??

    you're literally just saying another opinion ?? YOU think fictional rape isn't okay, i think it is. they are opinions. your opinion isn't superior from mine. and it's not a fact ? you're not god or the police, are you ? no, you're not ? then it's not a fact.

    that is literally such bullshit. just because it has elements of real life means nothing ?? real life will never be fiction and fiction will never reality. they are SEPARATE. unless you somehow create an alternative fucking dimension where fictional worlds exist, they will NEVER connect. they can be similar but they can never, should never, and (by people who aren't dumbasses or mentally unwell) will be connected. it's not like a fucking string is tying them together. jesus christ.

    Kyoshiro March 6, 2021 12:46 pm
    ?? and ?? it's an analogy, do you not know what that is ? it's a comparison ?? doesn't matter if it's something not horrible and something awful cause it shows you the point ?? you are literally so wrong it hur... inumaki

    Using magic, an fantastic concept, isn't showing the point at all.

    The site I'm talking about is m y, read --ing, manga.
    The law says :
    Article 227 - 23 of the Penal Code :

    [...] The fact of consulting regularly or in exchange of money a public communication service online providing a picture or a representation (representation meaning virtual children like drawings) by all means is punishable by 2 years of imprisonment and a fine of 30 000 euros. [...]

    There goes that point of yours. So the supposed "inaccuracies" are gone too right ?

    Then if our opinions are not superior to each other, what give you the right to tell the OP that she is wrong about their opinion ? When someone is doing the same thing to you, now it's wrong to do it ?

    Fiction and reality are linked. "Linked" doesn't means "Same".
    Using a real concept in a fiction is making this fiction linked to reality. And having an impact on the reality. Because the people who read it are real. And take part of the reality. And even if you're not "dumbass", not everyone's going to have the same way of thinking like you. Because for many people on this site, rape is forgivable if the rapist is handsome. Rape is forgivable if it's hot. Rape is forgivable if the victim took pleasure in it.
    And believe me, they think the same in real life.
    Fiction have a bigger impact than you think.

    inumaki March 6, 2021 1:12 pm
    Using magic, an fantastic concept, isn't showing the point at all.The site I'm talking about is m y, read --ing, manga. The law says : Article 227 - 23 of the Penal Code :[...] The fact of consulting regularly ... Kyoshiro

    but it is. tell me how it doesn't show the point. you can't just say "it's fantasy" and rule it out. and it literally does show the/a point. having powers is depicted in fictional works and so is rape and yet no one but literal idiots and mentally unwell people go "oh yeah, just cause this is in fiction means it's okay and is normal and should happen." and if having powers is too much of a stretch for you, then i'll change it to murder. murder is also everywhere in fiction but no one reads a story about fucking murder and goes "ah yes. this fictional work on murder means murder is okay !"

    but you're literally wrong lmao. that site is still up and available. and still has porngraphic content of minors btw.

    my government says otherwise. so that law does not apply to me.

    uh no. my point isn't "gone." the point is void for both of us cause of governmental differences.

    here you go, being a hypocrite again. what gives YOU the right to tell the OP their opinion is correct then ? cause that's what you did. and i never said OP was wrong. YOU'RE the one saying opinions are "wrong" or "right."

    and i never said they were the same. do you seriously just not read what i type and fabricate shit ? i said they were SEPARATE but SIMILAR entities. and well, no fucking duh it has an impact but it's not in the way you think ?? people aren't going to read a rape story and suddenly be okay with rape ?? unless, as i have SAID, they are dumb or mentally unwell, or have zero concept of morality ?? "And even if you're not "dumbass", not everyone's going to have the same way of thinking like you." this literally makes zero sense to me. what are you saying here ? as i've said, no one but actual idiots and mentally unwell people will not be able to tell the difference. there is no refuting that. that's an actual fact. no intelligent or sane person is unable to differentiate. who ?? tell me fucking who cause literally everyone complains about rape (fictional or otherwise) and i have yet to see a person say "yeah it's fine this character got raped cause their rapist was hot." i have NEVER seen that. and no, i will not believe you, cause one, you're not one of those people (are you ?) so your testimony is void, and two, i've never EVER seen someone say on this site say "irl rape is just as okay as fictional rape" literally i'm sure 90% of this website is actually sick of the rape trope. and the other 10% are the people who get off on it but still hate irl rape. so ????

    Kyoshiro March 6, 2021 1:46 pm
    but it is. tell me how it doesn't show the point. you can't just say "it's fantasy" and rule it out. and it literally does show the/a point. having powers is depicted in fictional works and so is rape and yet n... inumaki

    It's not because you think that fictional murder is okay in fiction but not in real life that other people do. You're not the only brain of this society. You can't compare magic with rape because every one knows that magic is completely fictionnal and is not a concept impacting our society. Rape is real and impacting our society.

    You still have acces to this site because your government is allowing it. My government don't. So i guess that this point is unnecessary because, like you said, we're not from the same country. I agree with you on that.

    I told them that she was right because you told her that she was wrong.
    "bro it's fiction lmao. it's not real rape. fiction ≠ reality" : means that she should think that showing fictional rape is normalizing it.
    And because then, she thought that she had to apologize for having a different opinion than you.

    People are a lot dumber than you think. And this site shows it really well. So rape could be ok for them in real life too.
    Please, read "Back to School". Read "Put a smile on". And see the comment. You'll be surprised.
    And, you can read the comments of the movie "365 Days". You'll be surprised too.

    inumaki March 6, 2021 2:27 pm
    It's not because you think that fictional murder is okay in fiction but not in real life that other people do. You're not the only brain of this society. You can't compare magic with rape because every one know... Kyoshiro

    what person who isn't mentally unwell, lacking a moral compass, or actually dumb thinks irl murder is okay ? i'm not saying i am, i'm literally saying the conditions someone meets/has to meet to honestly believe irl murder/rape is okay (because of fictional depictions or without. no person is alive or has EVER been alive that doesn't meet those conditions and believes that shit.) and i can do that, and i did. also are you serious ? have you not heard of the dozens of kids who kissed toads and got warts because of princess and the frog ? there are TONS of other examples. it is a concept that has impacted society and can/will continue to do so cause some people are literally just born naive or mentally unwell (this is iffy, cause sometimes upbringing can also affect this as well.) and i literally changed it to murder cause it was too much of a stretch for you ?! cause they're literally interchangeable ?! are you saying MURDER isn't real or affects society ???!

    i never said they were wrong. where did i say "no you're wrong, i am right." and what you quoted is literally a fact so i don't get what you're saying there. if anything you should have referenced the end half of my comment, where i mention ACTUAL normalization. my comment had nothing to do with that. That was OPs decision to apologize for doing nothing. i was not responsible for that. also they apologized cause they thought they OFFENDED someone, not because they felt they had to cause they had a different opinion. and i literally said they didn't offend anyone ?? so ??

    YEAH BUT THE MAJORITY ARE SANE PEOPLE WHO KNOW IRL RAPE IS BAD AND CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN REALITY AND FICTION. they may be dumb but they're not THAT level dumb. those people i mentioned aren't as common as you think. and i read the comments. literally almost all of them are dissing on the rapists ??? i didn't see any apologists or sympathizers ?? they might have shipped the characters together but they still called the guys out on the rape so ??? and i will not check those comments on the movie cause we're (or well i am) staying confined to this website. the audience we were previously talking about.

    inumaki March 6, 2021 2:28 pm

    i'm done talking about this. its going nowhere and i have better things to do.

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