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nefari0us created a topic of Heesu in Class 2

Spoilers ahead!
*mentions a yaoi called Dark Heaven*

A long rant about the ending

I loved this, very straight to the point, fluffy, wholesome very adorable and it focused on the main couple and coming to accept who you are, your sexuality, moving on. Love all that, but I was very dissatisfied with the ending ,like most people are because of the many unanswered questions. Did the side couple get back together, what happened to Jiyu and Changyou, what career did Seung won peruse, did Heesu ever find out that Changyou knew he had a crush on him so many questions... I get that the author wanted our imaginations to wander about the side couple but it bothers me because they gave Dahm a detailed backround about his family, his past relationships, why he pursues his goals, why he loves Sunwoo but then decides not to elaborate on it the author just avoids it. The author just leaves us on a cliff hanger and we can’t tell if they’ll get back together or not. Based on their personalities it could go in many different directions and I know the author is working on a new project but I think the author just summed it up very poorly especially with the side couple. I personally would like Dahm, apologize for his actions and finally confront about his feelings or something more angst more drama because Seung won and Heesu was puppy love the side couple could face the more serious topics and be more of a calm, mature relationship and they could help each other improve. I’m just upset with the ending very anti climatic they should’ve just summed it up because there’s too many holes to fill in whether they got back together or not because it’s been 8 years who knows how much they’ve changed?

But, sometimes there are good times to put a cliff hanger for example in Dark Heaven (a yaoi) it leaves us off on kind of a happy yet unsettling ending and the author does include AFTER THOUGHTS on the story and answered some of the most commonly asked questions which is good and didn’t leave too many holes in the plot. Why I think the Dark Heaven cliff hanger was so much better then this cliff hanger was because it’s kind of what your expected you know they’ll never really get past the racism, homophobia and drama but it’s satisfying to see them going to face those challenges together rather then alone. Another thing is, is that the author makes it fun for us to imaginate what might happen next rather then anticipating for it and getting annoyed at it and being bothered by it. Still it ended on a happy note while Heesu in class too is just like,”fuck you bitch you’ll never know” but we can imply that they’ll get back together because of how fluffy the story is and never gives us any real heart break THOUGH I’d like to see if it twisted and Sunwoo had like a disease and decided to spend his last days with Dahm and Dahm only finds out when Sunwoo died because that’d be a sad turn of events and makes it less predictable.

Overall thoughts

-The author lacked communications with the reader
-too many plot holes
-very wholesome
-appealing artstyle
-should’ve summed it up

(If you’re confused on what cliff hanger ,in Dark Heaven, I’m talking about is one of the antagonist’s which is Simons brother)