What was even the point of this story? To have an excuse to draw women abusing men and call it okay? I have never read something so disgusting in my life. This was just plain rape and abuse. The only character i liked was Gyerin. Minho did not deserved anything that was done to him, you don't punish people by raping them and abusing them. This was just horrible. Im disgusted with the author, and this is coming from someone who has read things that are just so morally wrong i don't even add them to my list. The plot was shit, it just idolized Duna as if she wasn't just as horrible, maybe even worse, than the blonde guy. I liked Haesol at the beginning but then he just turned stupid for Duna. Like no one, NO ONE, in the story talks about what she's done to Minho. The author really tried to make us sympathize with her, but i really don't give a shit if she "didn't feel loved". You can't just draw people hitting others and blatantly express how they don't like it and just slap BDSM on it, just because his dick is hard it doesn't mean he's enjoying it, its a muscle it will react regardless of what you do to it. It's obvious Duna doesn't even like Haesol and apparently "she'll change" but we won't see that cus the story ended. And yes I read it illegally, yes I finished it even though I didn't like it, I don't care if you liked it, Im gonna comment what i want.