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ahoe March 11, 2025 1:25 pm

been a while, what did garam's ex do to him again?

    Icy_Reality March 11, 2025 1:40 pm

    I think it's in ch 84, basically they were seen together by the homophobic mother, Garam got beaten up and the ex didn't say or do anything.

    guess_mytype March 11, 2025 3:33 pm
    I think it's in ch 84, basically they were seen together by the homophobic mother, Garam got beaten up and the ex didn't say or do anything. Icy_Reality

    Yea. The ex also said that Garam was basically sexually assaulting him (ex played the victim in order to not get as harsh of a punishment by his mom) since he was like oh Garam was forcing himself on the ex

ahoe June 29, 2021 8:24 pm

his eyelashes omg

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AHoe March 16, 2018 6:25 pm

a bl set in the olden days? anyways, main part is that at the ending, it shows them as old grandpas, and i think one of them dies?? its a bittersweet ending and i rmbr crying. it was v angsty, but they ended up together and grew old together too

likamisa July 30, 2017 1:30 pm

Are you a maladaptive daydreamer? How do you cope and what are your current daydreams/fantasies?

Often maladaptive daydreams are prompted by 'triggers' which may include conversational topics, sensory stimuli, or physical experiences. Maladaptive daydreamers may also experience trouble completing routine tasks or going to sleep, due to their desire to continue daydreaming. Oftentimes while maladaptive daydreamers are daydreaming, they will whisper, talk, make facial expressions, or do some sort of repetitive movements, such as pacing.
Maladaptive daydreamers can spend hours simply daydreaming. They may have elaborate fantasies within their minds, often comparable to a complete novel or movie. Many have more than one fantasy in their mind, each with its own characters, setting, plots, etc. (source:wikipedia)

    Rei July 30, 2017 4:21 pm

    I am like this, but I do have ADHD (Predominantly Inattentive, I believe) and I only daydream for minutes. I did daydream for over an hour, but it weren't a single daydream. I jumped from one dream to another.

    Meds (Ritalin) help me focus and it does reduce the frequency/strength of daydreaming, like I am more aware and I should stop. You may want to get checked by a Psychiatrist, btw, especially if it's affecting your daily life/school/work/relationship/social interactions.. Nothing wrong with that. :)

    anotherstranger1704 July 30, 2017 5:11 pm

    Wait what!? I do pacing a lot when I daydream and I daydream for hours on end. My daydreams are usually the same, it's about me having many close friends and I sometimes mumble some sentences from the daydream. This have been bothering me a lot lately because its hard to pay attention in class. I just knew about Maladaptive Daydreaming today too and can someone tell me if I have it or not?(I really hope I don't :( ....)

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