So, first time i read this manhwa when covid era. And i got some spoilers that this manhwa not fluffy as i think. I remember that i stopped reading at chapter 20/30. time flies, 5 years later. Yesterday I tried to read this again… and holy moly….. THE PLOT OH MY GOD. I LOVE IT. I CRIED. GOSSHH I WISH I CAN SEE THE ENDING RIGHT NOW.

Can someone tell me that this is worth to read? Is it painful to read or toxic? Pleaseee

1000% worth the read. You begin the story and think the relationship will be toxic because of how bad they started. However, you soon realize no, literally everyone else BUT the two leads are toxic as hell. And the two grow to rely a lot on each other for comfort and solace.
It is definitely a painful read, not because the two male leads annoy you or anything but because the other adults around them are so BAD. There’s a lot of trauma to be unpacked and the two boys are hurting inside but they are absolutely not violent or mean with each other. I think you should give it a try.

There will be a lot of drama + flashback until chapters 84++, even after the confession, there's still a distraction lol. If you can't stand it, you can read it raw on bomtoon for free, 1ch/day. I hold to read that at ch 114 because my korean is not that good. It tooks (?) A lot of time to read one ch