I didnt Just read a bl for my heart to break like this whyyyy(ノಥ‿ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻

I really love their ship dynamic it is so cute and refreshing

"i HaVe No IntEntIon Of LetTinG my Ex-WifE geT mArRieD"well no dumb bitch you dont have that authority anymoreee gagagagahagag

You all need to stfu there is no way my man jiwoon wi go dohyeok modee

Lmaoo grandma your ash sure is gonna die who do you think you are to come after giooo

Fucccckkkkk now i was perfectly fine but why the ending???? I thought that spoiler was nothing serioussssssssss.

I cant imagine their face when they will notice that everybody knew about their relationship lmaooo

Broo if he is gonna end up with jaewoo then pls give seowoo a happy ending(╥﹏╥)