For anyone who wants to read raws of chapter 72 and 73 this is the link

One person shared in topics. I tried my best with the help of google sensei and my own knowlage of Russian to translate those two chapters the best I could.


PAGE 2 "Why are you hesitating" "Start touching me"
PAGE 3 "That's how it is..."
"I knew it was all just a show"
"It was fun, though not for too long"
"Have a nice evening"
"And here I thought you would be able to properly excite me" "Well nothing can be done about it"
PAGE 4 "I will be rude (rough?)" "Nothing?" "That hurts"
PAGE 5 "What the-hell"
PAGE 6 "Now..." "You look tasty (yummy?)" "Kang Jinha wait a minute" "You are quiet..."
PAGE 7 "With someone like you..." "There's no need to hold back..." "What?.." "Wait a minute" "Kang Jinha"
PAGE 8 "What? Today as well I haven't seen him" "But Seonyun where did you go, leaveing me all alone..." "And...and what if he doesn't return? How will I survive?!" "Will I die of hunger?!" "Siwon-sunbae" " Hey, you.. "What?" "Kang Jinha?"
PAGE 9 "But, how are you?" "Why are you two?.." "Seounyun, and you!.. You managed to kidnap Kang Jinha?!" "What are you going to do with him?!" "Do not touch" (ouch Kang Jinha, that hurts even tho Siwon is an asshole ) "Let's go" "Kang Jinha" "Why?"
PAGE 10 "We are finnaly having a dinner together, what's with the atmosphere" "Relax, will you?" "What is Kang Jinha thinking?.." "And he's just ignoring me..." "And what happened in a dream yesterday?.."Are these your real feelings?.."
PAGE 11 "Ah that was delicious" "Did you guys try everythig?" "Then we can go to another place..." "Then we can drink a glass of (I have no idea what this is, wine, sake, soju idk)" "Maybe because I'm in a good mood?" " Even wine tastes sweeter then usual" "Kang Jinha after all..." "You promised, you will do everying I say?"
PAGE 12 "Exactly" "Then here it. (lile what is he talling him to do) Kiss me"


PAGE 2 "Then here it. (lile what is he talling him to do) Kiss me" "What?.."
"What are you saying?" "You heard right" "Right now in front of our sunbae" "I (it said мы which means WE but then he said Kang Jinha so how will they kiss with Kang Jinha, so I translated it as I) will kiss with Kang Jinha" "So, after all?.."
PAGE 3 "What the?..What the heck?.." "Do you raally think Kang Jinha will do it?!" "
PAGE 4 "What the fuck is?.."
PAGE 5 "Kang Jinha, you..." " You said that you liked me" "Then what the fuck are you doing?!" "You thought that I will always only look at you?" "Isn't that too selfish from your side?" (I think it translates better as "Isn't that too egoistical of you?")
PAGE 6 "I thought I should stay with Noh Seounyun" "I lost interest in you"
PAGE 7 "Noh Seonyun... I didn't fully belive words of that bastard"
"But Kang Jinha, you said, that you liked me...why you?.."
NOTE: "I and you- our relationship wes a mistake. We were driven by the power of this stone. Now he is yours, and I hope that you will use it for it'a intended purpose."
PAGE 8"What the?.." "What happened?.." "Kang Jinha" "That kiss"
PAGE 9 "This is their inextricable link, which I did not suspect of." "Really right"(Idk what this means)
"Sunbae..." "Something sad for me..." "What?.." "What the hell?! You?!.." "How is that..." "It's me your hoobae Sounyun, I just adore my sunbae" "Adoring, you son of a are stuck to Kang Jinha and now you tell me this?!" "What the hell are you two doing?!"
PAGE 10 "I don't even know" "you know, what most interesting" "Why Kang Jinha behaves with me" (like why does he listen to him)
"No matter how much I think, it seems strange to me" "In fact, Kang Jinha and I made a bet." "Siwon sunbae and Kang Jinha .. Who should I choose between you two?"
"I was sure" "Sure that Siwon sunbae liked me."
PAGE 11 FLASHBACK: "if everything continues to go according to plan, then I will win the argument" "In order to make it more interesting for us to play our games, I took Siwon sunbae with me and just gave a way to the occasion (idk don't ask me)" "Until the beginning of the next semester, I will not use the envy stone." END OF FLASHBACK "What?" "Why did Kang Jinha use fate stone to contact him?" "But what's really that he contacted me in a dream with the fate stone" "I never realized how important I was to him." "Sunbae, do you believe in my words?"
PAGE 12 "I myself am in doubt" "However, you have to believe" "That's why I brought Kang Jinha" "I aim to find out the truth" " But you know ... but he was not so simple" "From this unpredictability it becomes more interesting" "your words of unearthly love for me, turn out to be utter nonsense"(like he is sweet talking him but its all just bullshit) "As soon as Kang Jinha began to show interest in you again, you quickly changed the object of your affection" "No, I really liked you Siwon sunbae" "But Kang Jinha, it seems..." "What?.." "How to say it..."
PAGE 13 "Well, it seems that sunbae is shocked by all these events." "Kang Jinha is waiting, so I will go now" "Sweet dreams, sunbae" "What's happening? From Noh Sounyun's words it's clear that he doesn't know that I have the fate stone now" "Accordingly it seems that Kang Jinha secretly betrayed me" "But then why did he give me the fate stone?" "According to Kang Jinha this is because he suddenly began to like Noh Sounyun."
PAGE 14 "What does it mean?.." "There is something in it..." "Why did Kang Jinha give me a note..."
NOTE: "I and you- our relationship wes a mistake. We were driven by the power of this stone. Now he is yours, and I hope that you will use it for it'a intended purpose" END OF NOTE
"Stone, stone of fate..." "Kang Jinha with the fate stone" "And Noh Sounyun with the envy stone" "Envy means..." "I'm confused" "Really confused..."
2018-11-04 17:23 marked
Hey, did anyone understand the raws and could please spoil me?
A short summary about the important details would be super duper great!
Thanks in advance!!!
2019-10-31 23:50 marked