jerr !! answered question about question
1. jobless reincarnation - one of the few isekai i enjoyed, good animation and dialogue, ghislaine and sylphie supremacy 2. hxh - although things are looking grim for the series considering the authors health, im sure you'll find it as amazing as i did as the show remains in my top 5 even after months of watching other anime 3. death note - psy......
jerr !! created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen


jerr !! answered question about being a fucking edgelord
jerr !! answered question about question
jerr !! answered question about have an unpopular opinion
youre disgusting, go get educated before you decide to have a voice on social media
jerr !! answered question about question
probably try every method of murder on a person (rapists/murderers/abusers/bad parents) just out of curiosity, would be really disgusting though
jerr !! answered question about tried to kill yourself
its really terrible this happens in the world, i know its far fetched but i hope things get better for you please keep us updated when you can and dont stress about posting because i cant even imagine the punishment he would give if you were caught hes a truly horrible man and i really wish well for your sister
jerr !! answered question about tried to kill yourself
yh im curious about what happens after death and nothings really tying me to life besides anime and manga i wanna see the end of
jerr !! answered question about dont sleep with your parents
superiority complex and i pretty much believe you wont get anywhere in life pitying strangers
jerr !! asked question about question

oh. you dont like that...? or do you just not like me!!?

jerr !! answered question about question
yall, theres so many scary ass robot movies out there so can science just not destroy humanity with AIs thank you.
jerr !! answered question about question
jerr !! answered question about regret life decision
waiting for toji to get animated
jerr !! asked question about question

just came to say theres a snake called a boomslang that makes you bleed from literally every hole in your body have fun with that information

jerr !! answered question about question
shes literally most y/n's
jerr !! answered question about question
1 man 1 jar left a deep deep trauma in me