C H E R R Y C O L A followed a goer

A better world is possible
alex and no.'s thick dick daddy 
#1 Professional complainer and criticiser 

Bombing toilets harder than ISIS since 2005
Reading shit on this website dont make me gay suck my dick u bitches
19 and yeah i caused 9/11 Some of my takes are L's but most of the time im not trippin
Active Hitorijime My Hero and Oujo to Bakenkun hater please authors kys 
If i stop replying I've forgotten or lost interest 

Many people believe sexual assault derives from desire. But no, its actually based on violence. Its a distorted desire to dominate and trample on another person. The act of sexual violence can only ever be considered a form of violence enacted to humiliate and destroy someone for a form of gratification (believe it or not rape is usually rooted in nonsexual motives).  No amount of change can justify the perpetrators actions nor can it reverse the impact it has on the victim.  

The main justification for fictitious rape porn is the fact that it is, fiction.  But that only contributes to the big role pornography in general plays in rape culture. Pornography has a very distinct position in RC. Within porn, sex and violence are interconnected which can train people to be aroused by violent sex. This sends the incorrect message to the  viewer that this is what ‘normal sex’ looks like. A lot of porn is explicitly ‘rape porn’ which portrays the incorrect message that people enjoy rape and that sexual violence is normal. The media (TV shows, books, art, social media) plays a very  important role in rape culture as well. It can desensitise people to the seriousness of sexual violence, sexualises and objectifies victims bodies, and often sympathises with perpetrators instead of  survivors. This is not to say reading or watching fictious rape pornography is inherently wrong but it is to say that justifying and supporting it only increases the stigma around rape and often impacts real victims exposed to this sort of media.  

Consent is like FRIES. 
FREELY GIVEN, meaning no coercion of any form is used.
REVERSIBLE, meaning consent can be taken back at any point.
INFORMED, meaning you can only consent if you know the full story, for example, if someone says they'll use a condom and then they dont, there isn't full consent.
ENTHUSIASTIC, meaning you only do the  things you actually want to do, not the things you feel are expected to do, so if you want to have sex but dont want to go down on someone, that is perfectly valid. 
SPECIFIC, because a yes to foreplay on a Thursday is not a yes to sex the following Monday. Just because you said yes one time, it does not mean they have consent for any other time. There must be consent every time. 




Cornball n i love it

8 days


C H E R R Y C O L A created a topic of Jinx

Period Dan walk off he don’t deserve you boo
(Like bro didn’t Dan tell y’all NOT to tell the horse?!?!, dawg I am so behind LMFAOOO)

Oh to have the privilege too be a ring on that finger

Bro he’s seriously gonna have a rude awakening I'm not gonna be surprised if he turns into a grilled fish..
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

C H E R R Y C O L A created a topic of Dreadful Night

Damn I never knew gorilla could cry like that… Doha really said “it’s just a faze” LMFAOO literally just restarted the game and already swooped up his snookums still kinda shocked that bada is a NPC but it makes so much sense lol

C H E R R Y C O L A created a topic of Dreadful Night

My brain is just a puddle bro… that really messed with me

NO NOT THE ONE GREEN FLAG MURDERER I WANT ALIVE?!?! je-ho tried to warn you bae

C H E R R Y C O L A created a topic of The Foul

I don’t even know where to begin with this one. I couldn’t imagine being in this situation and it just keeps getting worse…bro just wants his seaweed farm and you’ve got all these psychopaths around you…girl run for the hills(っ°Д °;)っ

Lmao miss girl I hate to break it to you, but he does not want that Poo nanny je-ho~ where’d you get the money buy me a car bbg!! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

C H E R R Y C O L A followed a goer

Why aren’t you answering my calls…;(

14 01,2025
C H E R R Y C O L A created a topic of Jinx

As he should tbh but I mean well idk..

C H E R R Y C O L A followed a goer
05 01,2025
C H E R R Y C O L A created a topic of Jinx

wtf I thought I was reading jinx not low tide in twilight.
And how did bro just spawn there? I feel so bad for Dan but I’m genuinely confused as to how the rip off Taeju even got there and how he knew where Dan was

The poor kids gonna be so confused when his dad says “I Bought you’re father”

I don’t mean to be one of those people who are like “erm actually!” And be a buzz kill But they did bathe together after it just wasn’t at a designated time plus the ML did feed him (or what looked to be feeding, idk) and provided water so I don’t understand why people are saying there was not aftercare. It seems like after care to me tbh but idk everyone has their own opinions so…

C H E R R Y C O L A created a topic of Dreadful Night

Doha is such a smooth talker when did he learn that lmfao?!?!


Bro I was smirking the WHOLE TIME

Bro the way I started laughing when he stabbed him. Je-ho ate him UPPP GETTEM BB WHAT?!