grey answered question about empty thoughts
the log in every single day like damn they actually making me remember my password when i forget it so often
grey created a topic of Jinx

aint no way hes that delusional

grey answered question about character obsession
my daily routine is not done until i stumble upon some shit like this
grey created a topic of Zhong Qing

i got some many mixed feelings from the blondie i thought he didnt like him at first then suddenly he likes him

grey created a topic of Full volume

the plastic bag holy that shit came out of nowhere lmao but that shit was hot

grey created a topic of Kouguu no Omega

the ending... i have no words

grey created a topic of Wind Breaker

this is lowkey getting boring for me i used to be so interested in this idk i might go back to reading it when vinny is back w his old crew

grey created a topic of To be or not to be

I fucking love this it hurts but it’s so damn good ☹☹☹☹

grey followed a list
10 08,2023
grey answered question about something that makes you happy
grey created a topic of You Own My All

the translations confuses me idk if I’m dumb or is it not understandable

grey answered question about adopting cats
wtffff why did i read this...
grey created a topic of Hold Me Tight
grey followed a goer


25 06,2023
grey add 1 photos to hott