[DELETED] like the answer
I’m sorry you had to go through this..Idk if this is fake or not but I’m trusting you. First of all, you should tell them what he did to you. I know its going to be hard but the truth needs to come out so you can get justice. Its scary to open up right? Its ok, take care of yourself and take your time. And no, you didn’t deserve the abuse n......
[DELETED] like the answer
its disappointing to see people calling OP a troll but OP i hope you have a trusted adult to talk to and you can be a boy while wearing feminine clothes!
[DELETED] like the answer
sweetie as you said yourself you are a victim. You didn't deserve any of that, you went through a very scary experience. Respect yourself and keep fighting, you can get out of this state, just don't give up!! I'm saying this as a sexual assault survivor myself so I can deeply relate to almost everything you wrote, I kinda went through this too and ......
[DELETED] like the answer
If your one of those person who said they're faking it, you're disgusting. I don't know if I can say this but it doesn't sound healthy. You should talk to someone and it may sound stupid but there are people here who can willing help you. this doesn't seem like something you should bottle up inside. I'm so sorry you have to go through that. ..
[DELETED] like the answer
Hun I'm sorry about this, whether this is some troll or not I don't care since I'm not losing anything from it. Sorry about the other answers calling you trolls and all that (if this is real sorry but I'm giving the benifit of doubt). It actually don't really matter if this a troll or not. I'm sorry this all happened to you, I also don't have any ......
[DELETED] like the answer
A bunch of people are saying the op is lying,And a bunch of people are saying to wait for evidence that its a troll, And i am asexual assualt victim (I am,I despise anyone who lies about this type of stuff.) and if you're lying about this i hope you jump off a plane with no damn parachute. But if you aren't lying,Its ok girl, You don't gotta be t......
[DELETED] like the answer
This is fucking ridiculous. The way you people are talking about this to the op is disgusting and fucked up. You have no right to comment on whether this is fake or not and even if it is (which you have no proof of) coming at the person in question is gonna make other people, who have gone through this, even more likely to want to stay quiet becaus......
[DELETED] like the answer
I think you need to find someone who you can talk freely about all of your feelings like you did. If you have/can have access to a mental health professionnal, it'd be the best. But for now, let me tell you a few words : you never deserved what happened to you okay? It was never your fault that someoe else assaulted you, THEY did that, NOT YOU. Yo......
[DELETED] like the answer
Hey hon I just want to say that what happened was not your fault. You are not to blame, and I’m so so sorry you had to go through that. Please remember, sexual assault is a crime and you have the right to report what happened to the police. If you have trusted and close members of your family, you could try telling them. I’m so sorry you have......
[DELETED] followed a goer
27 01,2021
[DELETED] like the answer
God, if you're saying they're faking it, you're absolute garbage. No troll would take their time to add a trigger warning. Like they stated above, they deleted it to add a tw. Mangago doesn't delete questions right away, and most of the time you can answer questions just as they're being deleted, it has happened a lot And for OP, I think you shoul......
[DELETED] like the answer
Maybe therapy, I Don't Know How That feels but Maybe Try to relax and be around people you love that always helps me. I hope you get much better one day. (Idk if that helps ╥﹏╥)
[DELETED] like the answer
Whoever is calling them at troll is genuinely garbage. Maybe they didn’t know how mangago worked so they posted it twice. Maybe they didn’t get enough buzz so they posted it twice. What troll would spend actual time to put a trigger warning, and make up a story as deep as this? Automatically invalidating a victims story is so trashy. They don�......
[DELETED] like the answer
(english is not my first language) I'm so sorry you have to go through such a horrible thing which no one should experience. Sexual abuse is unfortunately too common even if we only consider ones that have been denounced, so to imagine that there are thousands of situations no one knows about scares me. When I was 12 y/o I was touched by an older ......
[DELETED] answered question about be a dumb bitch
Hey so if anyone sees this I deleted the last one because i wanted to add a trigger warning, im sorry if its annoying I didn't mean any harm. Im so sorry. I really hope people can actually tell im being serious. reading some of these relpies made me want to throw up. i wasnt trying to get attention, i didnt tell anyone about how i felt so i made a ......
[DELETED] asked question about be a dumb bitch

*trigger warning* I am sexual assault victim it happened a few years ago it was someone in my family and no one knows. I feel constantly paranoid and afraid. Whenever I hear his name I feel panicked. I always felt like I had to be the best for my sisters and mom. Whenever the abuse towards me would happen I would run to his younger sister. We wou......

[DELETED] asked question about be a dumb bitch

I am sexual assault victim it happened a few years ago it was someone in my family and no one knows. I feel constantly paranoid and afraid. Whenever I hear his name I feel panicked. I always felt like I had to be the best for my sisters and mom. Whenever the abuse towards me would happen I would run to his younger sister. We would do things im not ......