dreas an yoai otaku created a topic of Sayonara Alpha

title is a bit of a lie because I like to give every story a chance especially this one since I wanted to see how the hell the author would sort ts out, so I did in fact like it when BOTH LEADS were of age. BUT the beginning when he is a literal child has always bothered me because HOW DOES THIS IDEA EVEN COME UP IN A PERSONS HEAD???LIKE WHAT. if I am being fully honest if this took a reread for you to realize that this way fucked you may just be a tad fucked as well but no shame since I literally overlooked everything in bj Alex in my first read

I don’t know who wrote this, but call me cause I need you in my life

Bro she already said her only life purpose was to marry who her father wanted so WHY TF DID YOU HAVE TO DO ALL THIS UNNECESSARY ASS SHIT BITCH? I feel so bad for my babies I just wanted them to be happy

I’m mad asf why did I just binge this and it isn’t even done?? Now I have to wait for more updates. I wish Japanese class taught me enough to where I can just read the raw