What's the matter on this site ? I receive many notifications for updates but in fact most of the manga have no updates. It's very boring and disagreable...
Good day Yelloheh-san, Suujin here!
"update" here is not only limited to new chapters added. Mangago will also send a notification when
(1) blurry chapters/pages have been replaced
(2) chapters/pages that contain nonmanga related ads were removed
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Hello everyone. I just saw a spanish video of a manga called "it is my baby" (author : Utami Indraswari ???). It seems to be an omegaverse story. On the video I saw, it was a delivery. I can't find it on Mangago but maybe I didn't write correctly. Anyone has informations on this manga? It seems interesting and good.
Sorry, here.
Haha, Utami Indraswari is the name of the viewer who asked the question in YouTube.
After clicking the link, scroll down the page for the English version .
The last sentence from Jaekyung is the only thing rational innthis chapter. Really, neither of them can go on like this...( ̄へ ̄)