Seke created a topic of Pride and Persistence

WHY does nothing ever get resolved in this story..... like there are so many topics that keep getting swept aside and no one wants to address them. both the MC and ML.. their communication skills suck. ...

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The continuation of Minato and Shizuma's story, this time as an established couple....

  • Author: Hinohara Meguru,HINOHARA Meguru
  • Genres: Drama / Romance / Slice of Life / Smut / Yaoi

I just love this manga. Its by far one of my hands down favorites. Ive lost count the amount of times I have read this over the years. it just heals my soul.. not quite sure how to put it as to why i keep coming back to read this. even I cannot see or hear about an Okapi with out thinking about this story. lol

Seke created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

i dont even know why i still read this... maybe just to hope that the MC gets revenge of some sort? like there are alot of toxic psycho ML in stories.... but i feel this one takes the cake. like i can get behind some of the stories like painter of the night, and toxin. but dude.... i just want this guy to suffer.....

Seke created a topic of Pride and Persistence

really thats what he comes up with?! all that inner monologue about missing him and not wanting him to sleep with others.... and you come up with fuck buddies.... smh how inept can this guy be.....

Seke created a topic of Dash

ah damn.... now I have to wait till the officials catch up to where the last one left off. for I don't intend on rereading the 17 chapters when I felt the translations were good. my hopes will be dashed for while whenever I see the updates :(

Seke created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

yooooo im alll for a crazy toxic love interest.. But i do not want to see this one turn into a happy relationship at all. like this better not take some turn where he starts to fall for that neurotic king.. there is no absolute way i will come to like that relationship. that mf better die by the end... and the MC better find happiness another way.

honestly for myself.. if there was no absolute way to get out or kill the ML i would just threaten my own life or take it just to screw over the ML. there is just no way what so ever

Seke created a topic of Toxin

Honestly... I dont think the "nice" brother was ever a green flag. they just wanted you to think as such. For there is being nice.... and tooo nice... ? like agenda/creepy level nice.. Its very convenient that he was out of town the night the village was razed and how the MCs mother who lived secluded wound up dead when several in the actual villagers came out alive? I think the "nice" brother handed the village over to the brother purposely. He knew the village treated the MC terribly.. and he wanted them gone.. and possibly the mother so he could ride in like a white knight and "Save" the MC.. for he knew the MC would always stay close to his mom. He knew all about his brothers tactics and such. I think he just used his brothers evil ways to his advantage. He just never expected his brother to take the prize he was hoping to get himself. They both share a possessive trait, they just tried to make it as one being a green flag and the other a red. we are just maybe now going to see nice guys truer personality come to light.... but thats just my opinion. i feel like im going to get hate for disliking the "nice" guy.

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The mafia threatens Ewon into working for a loan shark, where he's forced to run dangerous erra...

  • Author: YOO Ha jin
  • Genres: Action / Comedy / Drama / Yaoi / Webtoons