Can anyone give spoilers if this is a good thing or a bad thing?
Like the thing between gong-ja and raviel took me by a suprise and i didnt expect a route like this in the very least... and i dont know if this is like temporary cuz its only a quest or a real love that will be very important to death sovereign.
Drop spoilers pleasee TT i cant enjoy the arc because of this ><

It's that im defending the story or something-- just that I can understand why like- why he treats her like that like-- wait lemme organize my thoughts XD
Like the break up was like that like-- she was nice and she said he wanted it clean so she did it clean like-- it made it seem like she (in a way) is a good person and she really did "like" the duke(?) cuz she knows like-- IDK HOW TO POINT OUT ACK
Then after that yeah-- I think the duke(?) is also like that cuz idk if this applies to other but after a while of pretending, the line between things can get blurry like-- the "pretend act" of the relationship can feel kinda real after a while... i dont really know if others also experience that kinda things but I've seen it a lot of times now and even experienced some myself XD
Anywayy-- thats it for those kinda thoughts lets move on now
I domt really understand much of the perfume oart of the story like it is an important part of this work but im not that used to perfumes like I havent smelled(?) a lot of scents cuz im kinda allergic to it or something XD but I like to imagine it just-- ITS SO COOL BUT I CANT GET THE WHOLE EXPERIENCE HUHU Y~Y
I've re-read this for the nth time today.
I read it to comfort my poor soul thats been disappointed with the ending of another story ┗( T﹏T )┛
This may not seem much but this is a far better ending that the story I was from