sara June 21, 2021 9:17 am

The internal misogyny in some comments is ridiculous. Even Eris herself said in this chapter that Helena has no power so she has no choice but to accept what the prince tells her to do and still asked forgiveness from Eris for something she had no control over.
Do you guys really think the prince loves her enough to tolerate her not listening to him. You know what'll happen if she doesn't do as he asks, the prince will eventually force her or even kill her, cuz he is royalty and she is just a commoner. Nobody will give a fuck if anything happens to her, they'll just say she tried to seduce the prince but failed and that she should have known her place as a commoner. Please come out of your pretty, glittery world were if you are a BAD BITCH things will go your way.

    amnyah June 21, 2021 9:20 am

    EXACTLY. it's so obvious the author is tryna show that eris and helena are just getting manipulated due to the crown princes childishness and are victims but all the comments care about is shiting over helena since eris is the FL and must be perfect. both have their mistakes and problems that I hope get solved soon

    sara June 21, 2021 9:32 am
    EXACTLY. it's so obvious the author is tryna show that eris and helena are just getting manipulated due to the crown princes childishness and are victims but all the comments care about is shiting over helena s... amnyah

    Yes it's obvious as day that Helena and Eris are the victims of the men and their entitlement to the two girls. Not just the ml but also the king, queen, Eris's dad and even Helena's mother. These two are stuck between these people and are just trying to survive anyway they can

    Cinnamun June 23, 2021 2:53 am

    THIS IS SO TRUE every isekai I read people will always shit on the other girl but rarely the guy even though he’s doing the questionable shit

sara June 21, 2021 8:31 am

I'm so frustrated with Cain that a**hole! Also I don't think she pitied Cain but what she didn't want to happen was for Edward to kill his friend because of her and to live with that guilt all his life

sara June 20, 2021 5:38 pm

I might get hate but I don't really like Claude ( ̄∇ ̄") especially after I saw Gallahan in the other webtoon. Both had lost the love of their life but one chose to abandon his child cuz it's too painful and the later, took responsibility and made sure his baby girl was happy. Atty dear had to work so hard to make him like her, but then he forgot her and even tried to kill her and then became a sleeping beauty for such a long time. I hope now she gets her happiness with her dumb dad.

    Nana971 June 20, 2021 5:44 pm

    I can relate to what you are saying but to be fair, no one has the same response when facing grief. I'm not saying that his action were good but I can at least understand a little (sorry english is not my first language)
    Which webtoon Gallahan came from ?

    xFlorentiax June 20, 2021 5:46 pm

    Why would you say that. Grieving someone you dearly love is not to be taken lightly as this also happen in real life. It takes time for them to heal and move on. Some try to forget and some try to endure despite the pain. (눈_눈)

    Tikunasensei007 June 20, 2021 5:46 pm
    I can relate to what you are saying but to be fair, no one has the same response when facing grief. I'm not saying that his action were good but I can at least understand a little (sorry english is not my firs... Nana971

    Gallahan from I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life

    ….. June 20, 2021 6:11 pm

    True, and i still can’t forgive the 1st timeline Claude. He legit abandon Athy and took Jennete under his care. Like boy (︶︿︶)=凸

    sara June 20, 2021 7:31 pm
    Why would you say that. Grieving someone you dearly love is not to be taken lightly as this also happen in real life. It takes time for them to heal and move on. Some try to forget and some try to endure despit... xFlorentiax

    The grieving part is acceptable but abandoning your child, who is a proof of your love is not acceptable. This especially applies to the first timeline in which he actually killed her. Atty had lost her mother already so at least he should have been there for her but instead he had tried to kill her when she was born. Like dude you were the reason for her pregnancy and atty being born

    Nana971 June 21, 2021 6:02 pm
    Gallahan from I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life Tikunasensei007


sara June 20, 2021 11:03 am

Just don't have kids if you're not going to treat them as such, or show interest in one cuz she is acting cute. And that is only because she is an adult in the body of a child so she knows how to curry favour. If you yourself went through shit life as a kid then u can definitely try and not do the same to your kids or if you don't know how to do that in all your years of living than don't fucking have kids (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
No child deserves to be treated that way. No child should be brought up with the thought of assassinating their family. Was there never a single emperor who thought this was wrong?

    Truck Kun, take me June 20, 2021 11:12 am

    Well in their case, the emperor needs to make children for the sole purpose of having them fight each other(i guess it's tradition?). Also, i believe the emperor's little conscience left thinks that it's wrong but he doesn't care since he grew up like that, he needs to do the same with his children.
    I'm not justifying nor tolerating their way of doing things tho.

    sara June 20, 2021 11:46 am
    Well in their case, the emperor needs to make children for the sole purpose of having them fight each other(i guess it's tradition?). Also, i believe the emperor's little conscience left thinks that it's wrong ... Truck Kun, take me

    I get what you're saying but I'm just wondering why hasn't there been even one emperor who thought this method was wrong. Nobody thought that the empire would me much stronger if the kids worked together in harmony ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ instead of killing each other.

    Truck Kun, take me June 20, 2021 11:49 am
    I get what you're saying but I'm just wondering why hasn't there been even one emperor who thought this method was wrong. Nobody thought that the empire would me much stronger if the kids worked together in har... sara

    They were too blinded by their education

    TheGoat June 21, 2021 6:54 am
    Well in their case, the emperor needs to make children for the sole purpose of having them fight each other(i guess it's tradition?). Also, i believe the emperor's little conscience left thinks that it's wrong ... Truck Kun, take me

    the current emperor didn't do the killing of his siblings, it was the late 1st prince who gathered all the relatives and supporters, like what happened in the red wedding in got. The background story for that was already laid out in the story and earlier chapters. I think this current emperor is just a survivor who didn't plot like the late 1st prince.

    Truck Kun, take me June 21, 2021 1:28 pm
    the current emperor didn't do the killing of his siblings, it was the late 1st prince who gathered all the relatives and supporters, like what happened in the red wedding in got. The background story for that w... TheGoat

    Ohhhh okae. I must've misunderstood stuff. Thanks for clarifying ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

sara June 18, 2021 4:32 pm

I KNEW IT. They are brothers!
I think the dad was in love with daejong's mom but she married daejong's dad, that's why he is using her.

sara June 13, 2021 5:44 am

I have seen some spoilers of the upcoming chapters and they seem so sad and heartbreaking.
Ok the queen is a bitch BUT a cool bitch non the less. She is an interesting antagonist which is giving this story more flare.

sara June 8, 2021 8:10 am

The FL is traumatized and has low self esteem. Also she has absolutely no power here or in her own country, she can be killed easily by anyone and no one would care, other than the king of course. She only wants to save her mother who is held hostage by her father. Also why is it so bad that she values a person's life. Just cuz the tailor laughed he had to be killed or tortured. I really don't get the hate she is getting like at all. Why has being kind become a sign of weakness?

sara May 30, 2021 6:36 am

People who are complaining about the FL being weak just what part is weak exactly. You need to have strength to see beyond your own pain and decide to help others who have been forsaken just like you. Also she has never killed anyone ever in her life how do you expect her to suddenly be able to kill monsters knowing well enough that they used to be humans?

    Purestar May 30, 2021 6:53 am

    Considering she was basically confined to the palace and never really told anything, she never had the chance to experience and to learn anything.

    sara May 30, 2021 7:10 am
    Considering she was basically confined to the palace and never really told anything, she never had the chance to experience and to learn anything. Purestar

    Exactly! She just wants to be a decent human being. That quote " with great power comes great responsibility" well she has power and instead of only thinking about herself she is also thinking about all the poor citizens who were abandoned by the empire just like her.

    Titanian May 30, 2021 10:58 am
    Exactly! She just wants to be a decent human being. That quote " with great power comes great responsibility" well she has power and instead of only thinking about herself she is also thinking about all the poo... sara

    Well, she is weak, but that’s to be expected from someone that was treated like she was. Now that she has “power” is probably when she is going to learn to be stronger and stronger.

    sara May 30, 2021 12:20 pm
    Well, she is weak, but that’s to be expected from someone that was treated like she was. Now that she has “power” is probably when she is going to learn to be stronger and stronger. Titanian

    She was weak yes that is true! I don't know why being kind has equate to being weak. She is strong to not give in to her hatred and make her life goal to get revenge. Instead decided to ditch these trashes and live her life with her own choices

sara May 24, 2021 8:48 am

The Ml is a man whore! And the fact that he flaunts about his who he had sex with is just disgusting. He is the worst type of human being (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

sara May 22, 2021 7:29 am

The webtoon is awesome but it still doesn't do justice to the novel, the way the author described this scene in the novel is so much deeper, it makes you feel like you are the characters. I've never read anything like this before. Plz do read the novel

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