It's funny how many commenters don't know anything about royal families and it's confinement, they think it's easy to just get rid of someone just because they are king or a queen.
The chapter 80 showed just how much power that a*hole has even though it has reduced immensely since the ml became king so just imagine how much more powerful he was at the time of the old king. No wonder the ML went so far to become the king and hurting the FL in the process.
We can see that even now they can't do much about her shitty dad cuz he has his rats in every corner of the palace and even the country.
For fans who only want revenge just because the main characters are angry and don't want realistic portrayal of well government issues(sorry don't know what else to call it) for power this manhwa is going to be boring.

All the women in this manhwa are victims, the queen n her piece of shit husband, Helena with the disgusting dudes after her and Eris who has to deal with the same disgusting dudes. At least Eris can runaway by dying, n the queen also got her revenge from the trash king. But poor Helena is going to be stuck in the same world as these disgusting men for God knows how long

I'm gonna get hate for this but how much more is Winter going to suffer?
He did need to see what it would have been like if Violet had actually died but 7 years of illusion is too much.
Not only winter had agonizing childhood, abandoned by his mother, made to believe his only worth and reason to be cared for was making money, that he didn't deserve to be loved, his mother who abandoned him came to him to ask for money because "HER KIDS" were sick when he was literally trying to off himself... The list goes on.
Anyway at last he found someone who'd love him and he's made to go through suffering after suffering and for what?
He deserved what happened to him after Violet left him cuz that his own mistakes but this 7 years of pain was really not needed
I have stopped reading these bad translations cuz I love this story too much to ruin the experience with these trash translations
I'll just wait for official translations and it's already in ch 92
Same here. I just read Ch 93. It’s like a whole new story compared to the garbage TLs they’ve been uploading. Glad I can really enjoy this great story!