So she wanted him to open up about himself when she probably told him that she hated her dad whom was a medium wow she is so damn selfish I DNT like her, damn she just trys to make everything all about her self she should try to out herself in inha's shoes after she heard his stord what aB* she is
If I was inha man I don't know hw I'd put up with a person who expects everything to go their way and whom is so sslefish to the point she doesn't understand your suffering and only thinks about theirs and I honestly think if inha spoke out when she spoke about her parents she'd still have left him * bcs damn she said his career was the worst thing about his whole life, so if he was an doctor would she have forgave him? That's my question
My gosh I'm just glad it didn't reach the point where he f**king sexually abused her bcs damned I'd throw my phone across the room 3 times