Here's the link: https://anonanemone.wordpress.com/doppio-senso/
You can start from the beginning if the dialogue confused you, or you can start from chapter 4 part 1, that's where chapter 21 of the webtoon stops
2021-06-18 19:43 marked
2021-06-17 22:14 marked

Furthermore, even if she wanted to make SH rape NK again, there's no need to show us the scene in such details. We're tired of seeing basically the same vile sex scene all over again. She could have implied it and moved on. Instead we had a chapter that was all rape and one page of "plot".
Big yawn.
2021-06-07 00:26 marked

I have always enjoyed a good psychological, I'm the type of person who likes it when things get super super fucking dark, but there's a catch to that. So I will be discussing the end of the story rather than everything that's going on. I'm pretty sure we share Mutual thoughts on what was happening throughout the story. If you feel like if you unique thoughts, please tell me about them.
Now, a good psychological for me, and when I say psychological I don't need a psychological tragedy. I don't like tragic stories, the sad Endings make me cry, because I am a crybaby. I feel like in order to have a good psychological you need to make sure you nail the ending.
And yes I did enjoy it a little twist at the end, and I don't necessarily mean that the ending should have a happy little ending. I love things terrible Cliffhangers. If you ever read Circus Du Freak, I'm going to tell you for a fact, that I bursted out in tears in the middle of my goddamn class because of that stupid book (also I will be insulting that book a lot but I really do love it). And ranted for about 5 minutes saying I hated it so much in class because of its ending. I guess that one has a good ending, but it also had a really bad ending... in the emotion Department. Because It hurt me. But it was a perfect ending. Some can see that's good, some people can see it has a bad ending. But it's not necessarily A happy-go-lucky ending. It's an ending that makes you cry. You don't have to be filled with happiness in order to have a good ending.
And I should say the same for the story, the story doesn't need a happy ending. It was a fucked story completely through it. But it was super fucking unsatisfying. The ending was foreshadowed throughout the entire of the book, so I knew it was coming, I didn't know how exactly they were going to be persecuted, but do you think we would have him in control. And it did. But I feel like the execution wasn't exactly all I wanted, I just wanted a little more emotion in it. Yes he's a very emotionless character, and yes those words we're filled with Obsession at the end. But when you know that's coming, it doesn't give you interesting feeling.
Instead of having a white background I feel like steak should I given him some sort of expression, that was different from the one that he would get every time he wanted to beat someone up. But either an expression that show that Obsession that he was feeling calm about finally having the toy. Or a Blank Stare. If they just added in a visual to make those words actually feel like, who I have the trembles or something. What is it called, tingles or something? Whatever, but it just felt like a very unsatisfying Bland ending just because the visuals failing just right at the end.
All right and I'm going to end this with saying that this is just my opinion, I hope that you personally enjoyed the story, and if you feel the same way that I do, I'm here to comfort you. And if you feel a different way, go ahead and tell me if you want to. Enjoy whatever story you're going to read next.
2021-05-04 11:54 marked
Y'all should just go read the novel. It's very detailed so it doesn't take ...