HELLO LOTUS(is it okay to call you that?) IT'S BEEN AWHILE! Do you like mystery, pyschological stories? Then please recommend me some, I'm starving for content D:

You can call me that lol, and if you want psychological, I would totally recommend that you read "Save Me".
But some other ones are:

Oh wait, and this one too, I forgot to add it:

NO means NO, and STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MEANS STOP! never again steal and use my copywritten work to post as it's something you own or have a right to, to change or mark on, denigrate or use as it's something that belongs to or should be credited to you. I hope one day you get to feel what it's like to be treated the way you treated me. Take people seriously when they tell you that you are inflicting pain. No and Stop means NO and STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MEANS NO. STOP MEANS STOP Don't call yourself a good person. I never saw your rape of a critique I never read a word of it. My work won't be affected by it. Your theft was done for nothing. Learn to piece together a simple apology. Don't take as if it's yours any other artist's or writer's work. Never come near me again.

First off, I never claimed it as mine? I put a caption at the end of the post stating the author and the webtoon, I literally gave you credit. In no section of the post did I ever claim it as mine.
Second, yes, I admit to marking it up, but I didn't blot out any of the characters faces, background details, or erase anything. Nor did I mark up anything to humiliate it. I drew a couple of arrows with a little blurb in the white section, not even on the panel itself.
Third, I did stop. I took away all of the screenshots from my answer, but I don't the view updated before the answer was deleted. I did not force you to read my reply in any way, it was your choice to come and start commenting on my post, insulting me for something you hadn't even read.
Fourth, I understand what no means. I literally stopped. Don't start taking it out on me.
Fifth, I never called myself a good person, nor did I put myself on a pedestal. All I asked was that you treat me with a bare minimum of respect, something that you wished for me to do. But you didn't. Instead you insulted me by calling me a rapist and a monster.
Sixth, do you know what rape means? No? Well google it. Spoiler alert, it means this: "Unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception." I did none of that. I didn't even force you to read my post. How can someone who posted a review somehow be a rapist? I didn't even make any sexual innuendoes, and I didn't even say the word sex. Do not accuse me of something so vile, and yet have no idea what it means.
Seventh, okay???? I don't care if you read a word of it. I don't care if it affects your work or not. What I do care about is you slandering me for something you haven't even read.
Eighth, I can piece together an apology, and a damn good one at that. I just don't feel the need to waste my effort making one for an egomaniac and distasteful individual that doesn't even deserve it anyways.
Ninth, again, I never claimed it was my work. There is absolutely nowhere in which I stated that your work was mine, nor any other artists' work.
Tenth, you're the one that is reaching out to me. You're literally on my message board.
You are a twenty-nine year old man. Pull yourself together. The fact that someone younger than you is lecturing you on this is appalling.

I know you talked to me. I deleted the images I had attached my guy. The work was up far before you brought it up, and when you did, I deleted it them all. Then the entire topic got deleted, so sayonara my answer. If you are wondering, no, I'm not an ungrateful bitch. I did what you had asked, even when you started insulting me, calling me monster and rapist. I don't know if the updated answer had loaded for you or not, but I deleted all the images except for the math meme one.
Mangago wasn't letting me reply to the comments you put under your response specifically. I was trying to say that 1, TN and scanlation credentials don't mean jack shit when arguing about the insults you were throwing, 2, I appreciated your apology and I accepted it (I will never forgive you though), 3, I understand your feelings of frustration and anger, but that doesn't give you the right to lash out and insult me like that. I had done absolutely nothing to tarnish your ego or blatantly insult you. I was giving you advice for YOUR webtoon for YOUR benefit so that you and your readers could enjoy something amazing.
I understand that wasn't easy. You were owning up to it, (sorta) and I obliged. I gave you what you wanted, even though you still hadn't apologized for slandering me. I deleted all the images, and yet you still lashed out.
Also, I did not understand at all the fuss you were throwing about my copyright comment. That also was an innocuous comment, but here we are

The images were there all day on my end. The work isn't finished. You were criticizing a draft. I explained to you and everyone why it was on the webtoon platform. I saw you say, "take it down then." It was one of taunts that sent me over the edge. I'll tell you what, though, black lotus, I'll let you know when it's finished. At that time I will value your feedback tremendously. I did at the time perceive you as someone who didn't know what had already been done by those horrible people, which they started all the way back on May 30.

The images were not up for a day.
I wasn't criticizing (negative connotation) you, I was giving you constructive criticism (positive connotation). Those are two VERY different things.
I never said "take it down" about your webtoon, you either misconstrued my comment saying that if you can't handle constructive criticism or any type of suggestion, then you should take it down because that comes with the territory. Or you misconstrued my comment in which I said that *I* would take down the images of your webtoon in *my* answer. I was *never* taunting you, and I never said anything to abstractly or implicitly imply a taunt.
When you do, however, finalize your work from your current draft, please do let me know. I am happy to give you constructive criticism until the cows come home.
If you can explain to me, in *your* words, in a *polite* manner, as to how the events of March 30th went down, I'm happy to listen. (I already know, but might as well hear from all sides)

Here’s the og constructive criticism, plucked from the ruins of my deleted answers. Ignore the shitty screenshot job

I'm reporting you, and you've just proven to me the horrible person you are. I sincerely hope you're restricted, and you need to stop exploiting for your own selfish goals and you and your gang or rapists of artist's works goals who perpetrate sabotage on exploitable works in progress, not even finished works! Wait till it's finished before you put your filthy amateur critic hands on it I've been nice about this even though you were undeserving of the slightest politeness. i hope there's a special place in hell for you and your perpetrators

I was giving you my fucking constructive criticism. I didn’t have to, but I did. You don’t appreciate it, fine, but I did nothing wrong. I literally took a screenshot from my deleted answers, put it in an album, and sent the direct link to you. Don’t be ungrateful
How did I prove I was a horrible person by the way? I’m actually curious.
YOU are undeserving of the slightest politeness. I purposely restrained myself from lashing out rudely, endured your nonsensical ranting, bore your insults and disrespect, and I still tried to support you and give you advice on how to make your webtoon better for you and your readers. I even fucking offered to give you friendly advice all the way until that little webtoon of yours was glowing on a fucking pedestal. I’m done playing nice.
You were actually being polite to me, I guess I was being too naive. I can’t handle or understand people like you, and the best way to end this is to walk away. I don’t need your validation, I am doing damn well by myself.
Google the fucking definition to rape. I already provided it, but here you go: “Unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception.” There is no way I could perpetuate rape over a fucking paragraph giving constructive criticism about your goddamn webtoon.
Oh, and with you here, I’m already in hell. Start actually thinking before playing with fire. Have a nice life.

This is a violation of copyright law, and it's a federal crime. Anyway, I'll never look at a critique by someone who thinks that an artist experimenting with the colors of a horse on a draft of a work in progress is valid criticism. Luckily it was the only item my eyes grabbed from your list "bullet points." You just don't get it. Your "help" was unasked for, unneeded, unwelcome, and an interruption of an artist's creative process.
I was even nice about it, unlike you who is only nice to members of her circle. take down everything you posted relating to my work, and then go to the top of a tower and empty a bag of feathers from a down pillow into the wind. That's how impossible it is to chase down all the damage each feather represents.

there it is, the audacity. I was reading along, thinking about the disconnect and maybe there was some way back to sanity. then you with your unmitigated gall saying you will never forgive me?? I stopped reading all this at that statement. this is what I mean about how talking to you is painful. it makes me wanna gag. Do your own art someday and then put it into the hands of an ill intended gang of haters for their viewing and trashing pleasure. I just cannot believe the way you are, the attitude nine miles long, never an ounce of empathy, never thinking there's a need for empathy, no, sympathy for someone under that kind of pain and pressure.
I stopped reading at never forgive me. my god, I didn't do anything wrong

It was not audacity. It was simply the truth. Do I not deserve the right to say whether or not I will forgive you? It does not matter to me if you read my messages or not. If they disgust you, then please, by all means, remove yourself from the thread. You will not be missed.
You know, all of this back-and-forth commentary begs the question, how did we even get here? I never put any of your work in the hands of haters and alleged "sadists" for them to derive pleasure from mocking it. I don't even know where this is coming from, because the users you have listed are ones I have never met or spoken to a day in my life. You seem to think I, along with a plethora of other users, have it out for you, which is wrong. When I posted that answer in response to your work, that was an independent event, separate from everything else. No one told me to do it, I did it of my own volition.
I do not have an attitude. I have probably been the most cordial during this entire fiasco. It was you who degraded me, might I remind you. Have the words rapist, monster, and cunt suddenly lost their meaning?
I am considered to be an empathetic/sympathetic person, but I will not extend such gracious privileges to those who believe it is acceptable to insult me. Under pain and pressure or not, those elements do not apply when it is you taking the time out of your day to waste data attempting to ridicule and paint an unpleasant (and inaccurate) portrait of me.
You have not done any wrong? I apologize, it seems I must have gone blind. Why don't you take a peek at all of your messages up until now in an objective manner, and maybe you will see who truly is erroneous. Good night.

This is some freaky shit right here